Chicken dying from mite infestation, help!

Ivermectin pour on should kill anything feeding on her. Sprays and dusts have to reach the mites to be effective so it can be difficult to get all of them.
I’ve never used it for that purpose but it’s worth a try to clean her up. Can’t hurt at this point.
Earlier I wiped her down with Elector PSP. I just syringe fed her some yogurt vitamin water mixture. Then I used the revolution on her. She is in the barn coop under a heat light. I guess all I can do know is cross my fingers and pray.
If your methods don't resolve the mite situation, you have to wash her in a sink or tub with dishwashing soap. It's the same method you use to clean a dog.

But since she's prone to chills. Use 2 towels, one to soak up excess moisture, second one to wrap her up in and placed under a heat lamp or blowdry her off.

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