Chicken enough to go off electricity 10-10-2010?? JOIN US!!!

I didn't live without electricity, but my cabin in Homer had no water and I loved it! It put hair on my chest! (not really - that would be creepy)

OMG how weird is that video!! Never knew it existed. NO NO NO..... did not suggest this in anyway to be connected with that!

We are simply trying to become more aware of our energy use by mindfully using less for one day and hopefully then applying these learnings in successive days.

Tomorrow is the day, Moabite and I chose it at random. Does have a catchy number though, triple 10's...

WHO will be chicken enough to join us???
Lmao, thats video is hilarious, I figured you had heard it somewhere, October is global energy conservation month or something like that.

edit to clarify, I had never seen the video, that was earlier this year in may, I thought you had heard of energy conservation month not the creepy 10 10 stuff.
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LMAO too!!
Nope, never heard of it, I am such a hermit except for my BYC daily sometimes more than daily look... My peeps are really helping me get in touch with the world.
LMAO too!!
Nope, never heard of it, I am such a hermit except for my BYC daily sometimes more than daily look... My peeps are really helping me get in touch with the world.

HILARIOUS?! It's sick and disturbing! I fail to see the humor in blowing up kids when they don't agree with you.
You guys ARE kidding, right? I cannot see how something this twisted is funny in any conceivable way.

On a side note, the video could be considered a textbook example of a Freudian Slip.
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Mindfulness, diets and electricity:

I've tried a lot...and I mean A LOT...of diets with varying degrees of success. However, the success was always temporary. During the diet I felt guilty and deprived. Perhaps I gave up sugar, wheat, alcohol, fats in varying degrees and combinations. Remember the Rice Diet? The Grapefruit Diet? And fasting? Forget it! I couldn't make it through the day. Worse yet, I felt bad about myself for my "failures" trying adhere to these ways of being that I just could not sustain.

This year I began eating "mindfully." I didn't give up anything. I simply started paying attention to what I was eating and what type of hunger I was trying to ease. Was it hunger of my eyes, "that looks good!", hunger of the nose, the mouth. If I paid attention to my stomach, my cells, were they really hungry? Or perhaps my heart needed comforting. By simply paying attention, I lost 13 pounds.

What does this have to do with going off of electricity on 10-10-10?

Perhaps, like me, you can't imagine not using electricity for the whole day. Or, perhaps you can, but your family is not on board. But perhaps you could join me by simply being "mindful" of the electricity you use. This morning as I was listening to NPR, I noticed that I had 3 radios on so that I could walk from room to room without missing anything. I noticed that I had the light on in the bathroom while taking a shower, even though there was plenty of natural light from a window. I noticed that I occasionally left a light on as I left a room. I know that sometimes I sit down at night and turn on the TV whether or not there is anything that I really want to watch.

So, perhaps you, like me, can't do the fasting diet of no electricity, but you might just notice, or become a bit more "mindful" tomorrow of the electricity you use and see what you discover. Perhaps you'll find that you are an excellent conservationist. Perhaps you'll find little things that you've never noticed before. And perhaps this noticing with lead to solid changes over time. So, that's my plan and I offer it to you. Just notice.

And....HAVE FUN!!

Thanks, Chick-Zebo Girl for the challenge!!
LMAO too!!
Nope, never heard of it, I am such a hermit except for my BYC daily sometimes more than daily look... My peeps are really helping me get in touch with the world.

HILARIOUS?! It's sick and disturbing! I fail to see the humor in blowing up kids when they don't agree with you.
You guys ARE kidding, right? I cannot see how something this twisted is funny in any conceivable way.

On a side note, the video could be considered a textbook example of a Freudian Slip.

Only laughing about the fact that I had no idea about October being energy conservation month.... Yes the video was so disturbing, not good at all. I was laughing that someone actually thought I might be aligned with those weirdos and had planned the triple 10's around their creepy stuff.

OK time to shut down triple 10's start in just a few minutes so I am going to sleep!
No, I thought the video was funny in a sick and twisted way, mainly because it was so shocking, you are aware that its fantasy, and they also blew up adults. Keep in mind, its a European advert, British advertisements are known for there shock value. And I dont think its any worse then Burger King stalking you in your home or Quiznos having creepy little animated hamsters sing there theme song in sombreros, there all for shock value, and creepy and disgusting to boot.

They did something really stupid to get your attention, it wasnt aimed at this market, this is also the country that has a Volvo commercial that suggests (EDITED BY STAFF--Family friendly, folks!!!)
So anyway,I'm doing the brown out for fun and the challenge, and I'll get more done with no internet or phone, don't have TV. 30 min untill I switch my computer off, I'ma go play a zombie game where peoples heads explode, see yall Monday.
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It's still quite disturbing, not to mention morbid. The BK guy, that's a little creepy. The singing hamsters? Never seen it. But honestly, joking about murdering people is really not funny. They offended so many people - in THEIR market - that they had to take it off of their site after a few hours.
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Join us or die! Nothing extreme or disturbing about that message.

I think my neighbor is running a gas powered genny right now for electricity. Maybe it's a convoluted 10-10-10 thing.

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