Chicken enough to go off electricity 10-10-2010?? JOIN US!!!

I assume you also caught the fact that this is most likely an epic Freudian slip.
I have nothing against the environmentalist next door, but these large groups - Sierra Club, 10-10, Greenpeace, all those - they freak me out. Not the least of my reasons is the fact that they have political clout.
Let's see ...

I tried to turn on lights even though it was daylight

My rooster woke me up instead of the alarm clock - now that was appropriate

My hubby reminded me that all the electronic media containing memory would lose it's memory if we totally drained it.

Consequently tv, phone etc. stayed plugged in though we did not turn them on, that means vampire electricity did it's draw.

Finally, we spent more time talking and interacting.
We even took a walk. Now that is novel!!

How about the rest of the peeps? How'd it go??
Wow! That was kinda fun. This is what became too apparent to ignore:

1.) We have a habit of flicking on lights even when it isn't dark

2.) Computers are primarily a device for avoiding reality.

3.) My 13 yr old was at a total loss without his TV, X-box etc. Most of his conversations where about movie and TV characters or about Halo.

4.) Our yard is finally clean! Without the phone or other distractions, there was enough time to complete several projects.

5.) Peace and quite can be disturbing for some, but I think I noticed that my memory improved a bit.

6.) Going to bed early is good for your marriage.

7.) One day wasn't enough. So as a family, we are going to try to avoid using electronics and power equipment on Sundays all year.

8.) Thirteen yr old's attitude went "south" after just a couple hours of playing video games on the following day.

9.) My kids got a lot more of my attention without all the distractions.

10.) I don't have a 10 yet.

The hardest part for me was not having the internet. But my internet was down all weekend, so I really didn't have a choice.
Hi! I MEANT to remember the date and UNPLUG for the day (other than the obvious frig/freezers/incubators), but Hubby got called out of town the 8th and I just forgot!
I had a blitz of doing/not doing stuff I don't do/have to do when he's home.
I did turn off the computer Sat and didn't turn it back on til this morning. I did butcher a bunch of roosters sat/sun/mon (mornings) and made soap in the afternoons (used electricity) AND didn't use electricity to cook for 3 days --- because I didn't cook. I did turn on the tv just for noise, but if I'd've remembered, I wouldn't have turned it on at all.
The 10th was a productive day here --- and I was at least low-electricity.

Our TV is on much too much in our household, mostly background.

We to have agreed to go entertainment/media less one day per week. I am hoping for Sundays ... still to be negotiated as to when with my hubby. Speaking of going to bed early is good.... well I'm outta here peeps and off to bed it is after 11 pm ... not exactly early on a week night.
A lot got done....but it was the worst week ever, ended up in Austin with my BF getting emergancy gall bladder removal sunday night, Ive just got back home last night.....glad some of yall had fun, I did for about the first 8 hours
I was more mindful about electricity. Did not use lights when I did not need them. Turned things off when not in use. Put my laptop in the office so that it wasn't sitting out tempting me. I did not go completely without, and did not intend to. But the good thing is that I have continued to be more mindful about my use, especially where lights are concerned. It's a small thing, but it's some thing.

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