Chicken Feed + Water = Crazy feeding frenzy... why?

@Mimi’s 13 Thanks a bunch. I'm going to get it!

@WindingRoad My girls don't get anything mushy either. That's why I am amazed how they love this mush!

@Kale Chips where I live we don't go to freezing temperatures. My version of cold is at night when it hits high20s/low 30s and that's not common. So when I put the mush out I don't have to worry about cold temperatures. I give props to all the people out there that live in freezing temperatures. I just have the high temperatures in the summer (over 100) so I am more careful then.
I can't tell you how many mushy things I tried on my birds. They won't eat it. They will gobble up hard grape nuts. Put water on them. NOPE. Won't eat raisins, won't eat seeds of any kind. Tried squash and pumpkin seeds. NOPE. It's either weeds and bugs ( free range) worms live or dried and pellets, and scratch. They won't eat Japanese beetles. They do eat earwigs. Thank god. Love earthworms and slugs. Won't eat broccoli cooked or raw. Will only eat eggshells with Grape Nuts. IDK.

ETA: I bought crumbles once by mistake. They wouldn't eat it.Had to go back to TSC for pellets. They won't eat apples either. I know not to give them the seeds. Won't eat corn off the cob. Too mushy. If they dip their beaks in the food and it sticks to their beaks that's the one and only dip.
I can't tell you how many mushy things I tried on my birds. They won't eat it. They will gobble up hard grape nuts. Put water on them. NOPE. Won't eat raisins, won't eat seeds of any kind. Tried squash and pumpkin seeds. NOPE. It's either weeds and bugs ( free range) worms live or dried and pellets, and scratch. They won't eat Japanese beetles. They do eat earwigs. Thank god. Love earthworms and slugs. Won't eat broccoli cooked or raw. Will only eat eggshells with Grape Nuts. IDK.

ETA: I bought crumbles once by mistake. They wouldn't eat it.Had to go back to TSC for pellets. They won't eat apples either. I know not to give them the seeds. Won't eat corn off the cob. Too mushy. If they dip their beaks in the food and it sticks to their beaks that's the one and only dip.

Lol, actually sounds harder than trying to feed a picky 2yo human!

My birds are easy, comparatively. They love cabbage (and Brussel sprouts). Even my quail love cabbage/Bsprouts. But, they will eat most things, it seems. Well, there was the time that I moved a paver...a bunch of tiny ants were underneath, which caught their attention for eating...that is until the tiny ants swarmed their feet, and they ran off (no birds were harmed by the ants).
Lol, actually sounds harder than trying to feed a picky 2yo human!

My birds are easy, comparatively. They love cabbage (and Brussel sprouts). Even my quail love cabbage/Bsprouts. But, they will eat most things, it seems. Well, there was the time that I moved a paver...a bunch of tiny ants were underneath, which caught their attention for eating...that is until the tiny ants swarmed their feet, and they ran off (no birds were harmed by the ants).
And seems no ants were harmed by the birds. Too bad. LOL

ETA: not harder just feed them what they want NAP. Save me lots of time "mixing up" stuff. Fill the feeder once a week clean it once a week. Put out fresh unfrozen water and I'm good to go. Oh and DLM adding fresh pine shavings and PDZ. Do my daily assessment feet, butt, combs, crop
I honestly don't know why the chicken only graze on feed but will eat so much if it is wet. :D I think chickens are more attracted to that texture in all foods. One of my friends whenever she comes over gets a bowl and wets feed for them to make them "chicken soup". The birds always know when she comes by it means they get chicken soup!
So I was just reading through all the replies and realized we still don't know why they like the wet mush so much other than they just like it! (Except @WindingRoads chickens!) You would think they would like the fermented feed but my girls won't go within a mile of it. They look offended like how dare I give them fermented feed and not mush.....
My chickens won't eat mush. They will eat other mushy stuff, but want their crumbles dry. They will eat pellets, but I always get the stink-eye when I put them in the feed trough. They won't eat the pellets until AFTER I leave for work - there is a chance I will change my mind before then I guess.
They will eat: oatmeal, apples, pumpkins, pumpkin guts, squash, BREAD of any kind, grass clippings, grapes, meal worms, BOSS, cracked corn, Whole Oats (but only if there is nothing else), buckwheat, weeds, tomatoes, ...

Feed+water will sit in the bowl until it is moldy.

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