chicken has given up on life.

Okay I can give her some eggs For night I have given her grain again this morning.

I'm sorry but in reading and rereading 3 pages of posts, I've yet to read a reference to anything edible besides apples, yogurt, grain and now eggs. Grain is not chicken food. It is woefully deficient in essential amino acids and many vitamins and minerals.

PLEASE help us help you by telling what kind of chicken feed you are providing. Is it grower, layer, starter? Also, what is the protein % (clearly printed on the bag and guaranteed analysis tag).
It might be time stop feeding grains and greens now that she is trying to eat. If she can take the grains she can take the chicken feed. Is there a place you can buy chicken feed? Even starter feed or grower feed meant for younger chickens could work since they are higher in protein than layer feed and easy to wet with water. She needs grit and oyster shells to prevent bone loss. When did she lay an egg the last time? Hiding in a dark corner could mean she has light sensitivity; that sounds like a vitamin deficiency. do any of your other birds exhibit similar behaviours like hiding and being lethargic, not scratching?
I would first see if she improves with the proper feed but you need to buy some.
If she is really blind and she is unable to feed herself after you tried chicken feed, I would question her quality of life. She can learn where the food and water dish is but you can't move these things around in that case. She needs to be scratching and foraging, looking for bugs to get protein, and pebbles to keep her digestion healthy, and eat a balances chicken feed designed for her body specifically, and mingle with other birds of her flock. If she can't see these that would be a tough life.
I'm doubting disease other then possibly blind. Defiencies? Yes. It's been going on to long and only affecting her.
Marek's can cause blindness and she could live for months or even years with it and still be shedding the virus and due to the dormant phases of the disease, others could have it but not be symptomatic or the OP may even have lost other birds with very different symptoms and not realise what it is. I'm not saying it is Marek's, but not to rule it out or assume it is not infectious. That said, I do not isolate my own Marek's birds because the flock has already been exposed, but symptomatic birds are actively shedding the virus and causing a reservoir of infected material to build up in the flock's environment so isolating or culling sick birds may still be valid.
She has been doing this for whole days at a time... She just stands there in the darkest corner she can find.

So any thoughts as to why she escaped?
Is her neck twisted to the side always when she stands like this? Just asking since a wry neck or torticolis, along with a grey eye are more symptoms of Mareks. From your earlier description, I am not convinced the eye is from Mareks, since it is swollen as well. I also agree, that she needs (as well as your other chickens,) a balanced chicken feed. Layer feed, flock raiser, or chick starter/grower would all be fine for her, and the others can have that as long as you put out some crushed oyster shell for the extra calcium they need to lay eggs. Layer feed has that already.

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