chicken has given up on life.

Flappy Chicken!
Warf is a very pretty bird. Im glad to see she is still with us after 16 days or so since your first post. I've read through every post here, there is a lot of advice and information for you to soak up! I'm no chicken expert, but there's a lot of folks here concerned about Warf who have definitely done their research.
I was the president of my 4-H club many moons ago, also. Right after my older sisters had their turn :p. Now, when I was in 4-H, we had our project books that were loaded with information, we had the parents of our club members, we had the local extension office, and the head of each type of livestock committee that we could use as a resource. . . .because the internet wasn't what it is today. 4-H is meant to build a community! These people are there to help you! Are you able to get in touch with any of these people and have them check out Warf? Im sure they would be very happy to help, and if your internet goes out again, they're only a phone call or your next 4-H meeting away.

I noticed someone said that when she escapes, you always find her somewhere shady. . . so i went back to the pics that you posted, it looks like your "cage-tent thingy" was/is of the greenhouse variety? Those can get awfully warm, and I know that my chickens would get too warm in our greenhouse even with all the plants to give them shade. You may want to think about moving it to a shadier location. I've only got 4 trees in my yard, so if thats not an option maybe an extension cord and a fan? or a solar powered fan from amazon? That sort of setup can harbor lots of bacteria that a chicken might not want to hang around in, also.

Sorry about the long winded post here. . . I have 2 more inquires:

Can we have a FULL update on how Warf is doing? obviously lots of folks here are interested :). (has she gained weight? Is her other eye still clouding over? Is she still standing funky? Are her spirits lifted or do you still think she wants to give up? stuff like that. . .)

AND. . . did you name the other 42 birds?

Good luck and hope to hear back from you!
Okay, well I'm sorry I haven't been on I lost internet for the longest time.

What I have gathered is that you are all getting a bit ummm... anxious and I'm sorry I did talk sooner.

I'm going to say something and please don't get mad at me:

1. I am the leader of my 4-H Club
2. This means I am under 18
3. This also means I am spending time on my 4-H club, my sports, my school, my 42 other chickens and trying to keep Warf alive.

That being said,

I have been going out three times a day giving her 20 ml of water, 20 pieces of layer pellets, and some nuts, cheerios, apple pieces, and some egg bits. she always has access to water and grass.

and guys I'm sorry for asking for helping and ignoring you I have been stretched in five different ways, but I'm hear now ready and I will try everything you say.

You may want to try feeding her "chick starter or finisher". It's got a much higher % protein and chickens love it. No one is "mad" at you! You are busy, I get it! Everyone here is pulling FOR you! :hugs

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