Chicken High Stepping


Jul 22, 2021
Hi All

I have just 5 hens currently they are just at the 2yr mark a few of them just finished moulting
And two are in the middle of it now.

I have one who is going through it pretty bad
I am making sure to give her extra grubs
and tender care but she has started to high
step and clench both feet as she steps not
always but a fair bit of the time .

I have done my best to look at her feet but dont
want to handle her too much because of her
moult. I can seem to see any bumps under
feet or anything on top. .

I saw a post on giving Human B complex is
this an true and safe? Any assistance or
Words of wisdom would be appreciated
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

I have found that sometimes "high stepping" is a symptom of crop troubles, not aways though. Is her crop empty in the mornings? (Run your hand down the right side of her breast, mornings only when it should be empty, you shouldn't feel anything.) Birds do clench their feet when the foot is high enough. I wouldn't use human b complex, get some Poultry Cell, it's made for chickens.

This said, you might post this question in our Emergency forums for more help...

Poultry Cell...

Welcome aboard!

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