Chicken "in your face" pictures!!

Here's a chick in my face:



Omg that is so awesomely funny I could scream!!!!!
lol!  Sorry about that. XD
I thought it was a rooster because of how big her poofie headdress is.  I guess it's the closeup of the shot makes it look that way. 
She's still adorable though.  :love

no it was huge compared to her head size! I thought it was a boy too until she left me her first egg. :ya

She's the one in my avatar.
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This is "Cajun Chicken", the only red sex link I kept when I switched my entire flock to Buff Orpington. She is SOOO sweet and loves to sit in my lap for hours when its warm outside. I just love her! She will be with us no matter what until she dies from natural causes or a predator.

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