Chicken is gurgling with yellow foam in mouth!


8 Years
Jan 26, 2016
My 1year old hen has been making gurgle sounds for about a month. I thought she might have had a respiratory infection so I gave her some VetRx. The strange thing though is she will sometimes stop gurgling and I am growing more frustrated with the fact that she doesn't fall into any category. I thought sour crop impacted crop or gape worm, but she is acting normally other than coughing and gurgling sometimes. She wasn't doing this the other day,but now she is gurgling real bad and has a yellow foam in her mouth. I don't know if it will go away again temporarily or get worse this time. I don't have the money for a vet but I know this isn't normal. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but she has never laid an egg in her life. Also no other hens are showing any symptoms. Someone please help. I want any advice!!
My dad opened her mouth when she was gurgling and saw yellow foam. I told him to smell and he said he didn't smell anything. I will check her again though. Would sour crop stop sometimes? I didn't think it subsided.

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