Did you see my post about asking at Tractor Supply for amoxycillin?

A bacterial infection can occur at any time for any reason. Often some stress or exposure to higher than normal bacteria in the environment can overwhelm a weak immune system. I've had hens get sick with a bacterial infection seemingly out of the blue. Regardless, I start treatment with an antibiotic as soon as I determine a chicken is sick. Some infections can kill in as little as 24 hours, and waiting another day to be certain could end with the chicken dying. I will always choose to assume it's an infection and run the risk of being wrong. An antibiotic won't kill if it's not infection.
If you are in the US, youmay be able to find amoxycillin at Tractor Supply. It might say it's for fish. It's what most of us use for chickens.

The dose is 250mg per day for ten days.
Azygous, would you please read my thread here and tell me if this could be the case with my hen? I am planning on worming in the morning unless someone tells me to try something different. I have Fish Aid amoxicillin on hand in 500 mg capsules.
I just lost the long reply I wrote. I need to go do something else at the moment, but I will be back soon. Your hen isn't sick. I believe she's the victim of bullying and has been chased from food and water and is now weak from starvation. This mimics serious disease.

Feed her cooked egg and oatmeal or boiled rice. Give her sugar water to elevate her glucose and help restore her appetite. Feed her separately so she can eat and drink in peace.

Block off the nest boxes. You risk contaminating the eggs with bacteria from poop and this can threaten your family's health. Referee at roosting time because this hen is likely getting chased away from the perches as well as the food and water.

If the bullying continues, she will need to be treated for bullying.

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