Chicken killing dog is back

i have the same problem .animal control tells me that my dog cannot run loose on my property without a fence.yet the nieghbors dog comes over and chases my chickens.I have told him and he still does not tie up his i say that make me judge and jury.
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It's amazing how sometimes us law abiding citizens seem to take the fall and the ones who don't give a darn about laws slide all the time
I know how everyone here is an animal lover, I used to have a dog too, but if I had this situation, I would trap the dog and then go to a secluded area and dump the offending beast. I know everyone says not to; but you are dealing with the irresponsibility of the owner and you don't want to kill the animal. And to recognize farm road citizens and the like who do not like strays wandering around their areas, I would make sure it's an area that's as far away from populated areas as possible (yeah, I know, that's almost a whole tank of gas).
If it was me the dog would disapper real quick. And I wouldn't know anything.

i think you and i live in similar places.

i also hate hurting the dogs, but since the authorities would actaully make your life worse in the end in that particular situation, there really is no choice.

have faith and don't feel like a bad person. you have to protect your animals.

pits are really sweet dogs, it's true. but if they're not watching him, well, you gotta do what you gotta do.
I lost my buddies(2 Guineas) just after TG to the neighbor's sheepherding dogs whom apologized profusely for the error because he knew & I learned that out here in the country were if livestock of any kind is threatened by dogs or wild predators, that property owners can shoot to kill to protect their animals. I don't like killing anything and don't even own a gun (yet) but those dogs have come snooping around again (fortunately my chickens are fenced in) and I've lobed M-80 firecrackers at them! A friend of mine suggested getting a paintball gun to sent a colorful stinging reminder to the neighbor!

P.S. I was born & raised in Tucson from 1962- 81 and if my memory serves me well, their law enforcement lacked enforcement big time, guess somethings never change! Good luck!
You will do what you need to, obviously, but if I may say so, dumping a dog in the wilderness is, more than likely, a death sentence for the dog. A long, slow, hungry death sentence. While I personally could never shoot a dog, I do believe that that would be the more humane solution to such a problem. If the neighbours won't listen, nor animal control, and removong the dog from the area is the only alternative that you can see, taking it to a shelter some distance from you would be a kinder thing, and would probably use less gas. Calling a rescue, if available, would be better yet, as shelters are not all dedicated to adopting their homeless animals out.
as far as im concernd there needs to ZERO tolerence when it comes to dogs killing livestock wether its a chicken or a lamb or what ever,most of the time you will get no help from any of the authoritys the best thing to do is shoot shovel and shutup about it SSS,I know it will seem cruel to some of you but trust me if you want to keep animals it may well be your only choice,ive seen people try and do the right thing talk to the owners and call all the right people then a few days later they have 3 or 4 ewes with their throats ripped open laying in the pasture and recieving no compensation but a "sorry about that" I lost my favorite hen to the nieghbors dog, never again
Ill get off my soap box now
Those dogs can do more damage to another animal or person eventually if they're not taken care of. I know...I left to go to a friends house 70 miles away for the weekend. Just before I left, a stray dog showed up. I wanted to kill it, but mom hemmed and hawed and whined that "it's young" and "I'll watch it" blah, blah, blah. I told her she said it was fine that she'd watch my chickens for me while I was gone, and she said it was still no problem, so I left *knowing* deep down that there sure as heck was going to be something happen.

2 days later she calls me and the dog had killed *1* chicken, but that it was *MY* fault. I told her to shoot the dog. She didn't.

I get back home Tuesday evening to the story of 9 of my 16 chickens are now dead, two of *MY* dogs were attacked, and her small pomeranian(sp?)-sized mutt was attacked - all by the stray. It took all that to get her to finally shoot the dog (she finally did it Monday). I never got an apology, but she'll sure as heck still eat any eggs I bring in.

Shoot the dog(s) and get it done with. Call the law first if you want to and tell them you're going to shoot the dog(s), then hang up. I bet they'll be there real quick!
I hate to say it, but your mom was an idiot...The first time it attacked your birds would've been enough for me to SSS. Sorry, strays don't get second chances...bored pets MIGHT.
I wanna know what it was YOUR fault that your chicken got killed when SHe was supposed to be watching them...
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