Chicken laid red ball :(

The ball was soft. We cut it open, and there was yolk! So, it looks like it may be a deformed egg. The skin is soft and "membraney".

We are watching her to see if she lays another, or a regular egg.

Lol mmmmm beet eggs hahah
This looks exactly like what I found under the roost the other day!! It was attached m
By a membrane to a soft collapsed shell. I suspect this came from my oldest hen who has trouble forming hard shells.
This happened with my year old EE last week. I was very worried (and a bit grossed out), but she has gone on to lay a bunch of normal eggs since then. Just a fluke, I guess.
We have not seen one since either. It may just really be a fluke, when they need a bit more calcium?
This looks exactly like what I found under the roost the other day!! It was attached m
By a membrane to a soft collapsed shell. I suspect this came from my oldest hen who has trouble forming hard shells.

I gave my hens lots of joghurt with crushed shells after this, as well as some apple cider vinegar in their water. Haven't had one since, thank goodness :).

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