Chicken-like screaming at night??

I've heard that screech many times - have fox in the area, some of them several years old(can recognize due to different color fur on side of one, probably after a wound. And others look like some mangy parts.

I always assumed they had just made a kill when I heard that screech - made my blood run cold. Of course cats mating don't sound much better.
My neighbor across the lake laughs like an upset hen. I am not kidding, I've gone flying out to the coop at least three times, then I hear her cackle...
Other than that foxes. Or screech owls.
So many people think their kittens and cats can't survive without prowling outdoors. They are the ones that get killed by coyotes, dogs, cars, youngsters with bebe guns. I know several people that have indoor cats and they are just doing fine. They don't even want to venture outside.

I'm not a cat lover but, I love domesticated animals. I don't know how anyone can let a precious pet (dogs included) run loose. I would be a total wreck worrying about accidents, torture by deranged individuals, or snagged by folks doing things with dogs that shouldn't be mentioned here.

I recall a neighbor with a new pup - no leash, no fence. I was walking across the street from it and it raced across to see me. The man was in hot pursuit, he was furious. He couldn't believe the dumb pup ran across a busy street. He asked me why the dog would do that. I told him quite bluntly "Because you don't have him on a leash." He was speechless. Didn't get him to put a leash on the dog anyway. It was a beautiful German Shepherd puppy. After a few days, no sign of the puppy. Instead he had a terrier pup running without a leash and crossing the street at random. :he:mad:

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