Chicken losing feathers..molt or parasite or bullying


5 Years
Aug 20, 2018
So I’ve noticed over the last month, more severely my hen has been losing her neck feathers, she also has been preening a lot. I’m not sure whether she’s molting, being bullied(as I think she’s quite old, as I don’t think they were honest with me when I got her) or whether she has some kind of parasite. She has only ever laid 1 egg in the 5 months I’ve had her, I think this could be due to age.
I’ve looked at her skin and cannot see any sores or mites. I clean the girls out weekly and disinfect their coop etc. The 3 others with her are exhibiting no similar signs.
If anyone could help shed some light, I would be grateful. Thanks


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Hi Toby,
It's really difficult to see with her white feathers, but are those pin feathers coming in where she has her bald patch in the second photo? If they are, she is molting.

Perhaps have a feel of her abdomen - to check for swelling or bloating. With only laying one egg in five months I would suspect a reproductive disorder of some description.

What age were you told she is?
Hi Cragg,

It looks like some may have been pulled out and some new feather growth. I’ve felt her abdomen and she doesn’t feel bloated at all.
I was told she was at pont of lay, but I honestly think she may be 3 or 4. Her comb is very dull. She is quite energetic and enjoys her food. I think she does rank at the bottom of the pecking order, though so perhaps a little bit of bullying over food?
I am leaning towards molting. If that is from bullying, I would keep an eye on it... lowest ranking shouldn't mean having feathers pulled out. Keep watch on them and see if one in particular is picking on her. That is the chicken I would be focusing on.
Make sure this little one is getting enough food. It helps to have more than one feed point for them, and ensure she is getting enough protein to help her feathers grow in. 18-20% feed would be ideal! This could help if there happens to be a feather pecker in your flock also as this can happen when one chicken is seeking out more protein.
A few high protein treats would help too such as cooked egg, plain yoghurt, meat. But keep the treats to maximum 10% so she still gets her nutrient requirement from her pellets/crumbles.
Feel free to update and let us know how she goes, and perhaps others will chime in with some more opinions/suggestions

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