
7 Years
Jul 1, 2012
New Jersey
Over the past couple of weeks, I have seen a fox running around the neighborhood. Last week he jumped the fence into my yard, but did not go after the chickens. This morning, a man pulled up in his car and said that there was a "chicken massacre" a few streets over. His neighbor saw a fox running down the street in broad daylight with a chicken in its mouth. He went into his backyard and found his whole flock of chickens and ducks dead. How can I prevent this from happening to my flock? Not only are there fox, but there are also cats, coons, and possums. Any help would be appreciated.
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Over the past couple of weeks, I have seen a fox running around the neighborhood. Last week he jumped the fence into my yard, but did not go after the chickens. This morning, a man pulled up in his car and said that there was a "chicken massacre" a few streets over. His neighbor saw a fox running down the street in broad daylight with a chicken in its mouth. He went into his backyard and found his whole flock of chickens and ducks dead. How can I prevent this from happening to my flock? Not only are there fox, but there are also cats, coons, and possums. Any help would be appreciated.

I have a German Rotweiller tied up near my coops. Don't think anything is brave enough to ome near his big 136lbs self as we haven't had any problems yet. Maybe a chicken. Guard dog is In order. We have about 10 acres and are surrounded by neighbours land so there are plenty of places for predators to be. But Bear notices everything.
I 2nd the dog. My dogs keep the predators at bay as well. You might want to consider not letting them free range (if you do) and make your coop/run as predator proof as you can. Best of luck
I 2nd the dog. My dogs keep the predators at bay as well. You might want to consider not letting them free range (if you do) and make your coop/run as predator proof as you can. Best of luck
I 3rd it. My dog is awesome at protecting my ducks and chickens. He lets my chicks play on his back, and even lets my hens steal dog food!

Reinforcing the coop might help as well, though predators find ways to get in.

Best of luck to you!
Electrified poultry nettting/fence. That was what secured my chickens. After two daylight fox attacks, I bought 400' of it. It has worked so well in the past year, I bought 200' more. You can power it up with home electric or solar if you want. Take a look at Premier's website and check it out.


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