My blue heeler would chase off or catch the fox, for sure. She wants to chase, catch and or eat anything (people and chickens included) that is not in her "circle of friends." Which is a very small circle.
I would go with the dog answer just make sure it's a chicken friendly breed (not a terrier!) unfortunately I have terriers to keep away rats but one of them got a liking for chicken and massacred my first flock. just make sure your pen/ house is as secure as possible I'd say. Mine wasn't secure enough (the door didn't have a look, the dog pushed the slide door open and scratched at the wire door til it opened) to protect from daylight attacks the best solution is a good run, check it daily for breaks/ gaps (it wont take long for a cunning fox to get in) my friends chickens were also killed by a dog but he has no fence around his and doesn't shut them in at night so it's his own fault really. Try talking to this man, have a look where he went wrong/ how the fox got in. Good luck
Adding a dog that is unknown to the mix could just add to the problem if it is t chained up.I say the best bet is a tractor or run permanently. I know it sounds bad but with the time and effort you pit I to bird's is ity really worth seeing a fox take them. I have seen racoons do just the same thing. They may eat a chicken but they kill everyone in their path until they pick the one they will eat. Just my opinion but I know that is what I would do and have done. I have spent good money starting over because of predators.

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