I am so glad to hear that others share the same math problem. I started thinking about getting some chickens a year ago... decided 6 would be nice so we got some chicks from Southern States at Easter time... on the way home my daughter asks "when are we getting more peeps?"

I replied, "Not until these peeps get old and stop laying!"

Little did I know that 11 months later I would be getting my THIRD batch of peeps, have already built 2 chicken tractors, and am waiting for a "third" to come in the mail!!

We love our chickens!! Currently we have 2 Golden Comets, 2 Silver Laced Wyandots, 4 Blue Orps, 2 Splash Orps, and 3 Barred Rocks. (and if I'm going to keep up with the blues, I'll have to get some black Orps...)
Ha, we started out wanting 6-7 birds, but that didn't last long after we got to the feed store. We have 15 right now and a few days ago I found a breeder that sells Marans in my area, so I told my husband not to be surprised if he gets back from his Cub Scout camping trip and finds a few more chickies in the brooder...
guess I have 2nd grade math OR I can't add right LOL I started with 6 and then a week later I got 3 more.......... well it is just March and I did just start this year
I LOVE DOING CHICKEN MATH!! Wel this year I was only suppose to get 2 but they were on back order and weren't even sure if they were going to come in, so... It happens to be chick day at our local feed mill so we went there and picked 3 chicks. 2 rhode island reds and one ameracana. So we get in the car and I listin to the missed calls on my phone and there's a message, it the hatchery saying have your 2 silver laced Wyandotte chicks ready for you to pick up. Hahahaha! So now we have 5 HAPPY and HEALTHY chicks! :)
At my age you would think I'd know better. I didn't. Started with 2 BO hens in 2009 Fell in Love (girl meets chicken?) Got 6 eight wk pullets from a breeder in Ft. Meyers, but it's March and Chick days have started. Sent my son to TSC just to look at what they had. Came home with 6 mystery pullets. Turned out to be 2 Lenhorn, 2 Blackstars, 1 Welsummer and 1 EE. Total so far 14. Lost a couple to a Bobcat and had to get a roo so I could have some chicks to replace them. Had 18 chicks out of 24 eggs. Lost the Roo and a couple more hens to the Bobcat. Got another Roo and had 2 more batches of chicks. Bobcat got that Roo too.
Decided to stop letting them free range till the cat was gone. Now to jump up to 2012 I'm at 31 hens 3 roo's, 6 pullets at pol, 11 chicks each Aussie, Brown Leghorn, White Rock, 9 EE and of course it's Chick Days again and I got 6 red pullet chicks. If you use chicken math I only have 30 Total. Feel free to double check. Anyway my barn still has 3 stalls without chickens in them.
Well I wanted chickens for eggs and the other day my dh went to the feed store and came home with 2 pullets- a barred rock and a rhode island red. These are now in the coop. My barred rock is so sweet she loves to be held- she's my favorite! :)
Me and the kids went to the feed store for more feed and came home with 2 production reds!
This is all we can have as we are n the city.
So now I have 2 in coop and 2 in the brooder!
I'd move just to have more chickens if we could!
My chicken math problems started last spring - I started out with six Rhode Island Red pullets. Last summer I lost two of my girls to some roaming dogs. This spring my husband said we could replace them, so of course instead of two RIRs, we came home with four Buff Orpingtons, four Black Australorps, and two Americaunas. Ten chicks to replace two hens. Sounds about right! Then, one of the Americauna chicks died, so we went to replace her, and came home with three more, because, after all, you can't get just one! They're all doing very well now, and I look forward to being up to my eyeballs in eggs come summer!
We started years ago with one hen, and one rooster.........thats all it takes, and before you know it, you have 100+ chickens. In chicken math, it's all about addition, but nobody ever mentions the subtraction. I remember, when we hit around forty chickens, a whole fox family dug under the coop and we lost 16 in one night. After that, we started losing one every day to them that week,we put in a wire floor,problem solved. But we did not realize that by the end of the month, we were down to only three chickens: The First rooster and hen we started with(dont know how they survived, they are so old), and another hen............. so up again with the chicken math. We have gradualy since then made it to thirty chickens, thats how much we have right now, plus 36 more in the incubator, plus all those iresistable chicks at the feed store................that chicken problem probably equals a total of 60 to 70 or so chickens in our future. Of course the number might be more , i was never really good at math...........
That's awesome! Where I live I am only aloud to have 3 hens. I started with two chicks, then added 4 more chicks. 1 died by dog attack. Then I got another chick to replace the chick that died. I got rid of two roosters. Got two chicks to replace the roos. 1 died because of respiratory problem. Hatched 5 eggs. Got rid of the rooster out of the five. Then I recently got a chick and a duckling!!

+ 4
- 1
+ 1
- 2
+ 2
- 1
+ 5
- 1
= 10 hens 1 duck

Lately I have been hoping nobody would turn me in for having 7 chickens to many for city rules!
I don't think anybody notices! Yesterday I got told the rules changed! In my area we are now aloud to have 10 chickens 2 ducks! I called planning and zoning to make sure I got that right and sure enough! No more worrying about getting caught!! There's no lot restriction either! :) And NO more adding on chickens for me!!!!! lol

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