Chicken mites


In the Brooder
Aug 29, 2023
How can you tell if your baby chicks have mites. You can see them correct. Please be kind I am new to raising chicks and my 1st group are 18 weeks and now have 4 more babies almost 2 weeks old
Yes you can see them visually. Northern Fowl Mites would be reddish or black-brown tiny dots moving around, generally on the skin around the vent, belly, or underside of wings. Red/roost mites would be reddish tiny dots, mostly found in cracks and crevices inside the coop.
Thank you so much that is what I thought and luckily so far no mites, thought my baby chicks were losing feathers but they just had something on them so all good thank you and you are very kind
Young birds go through multiple stages of molting (and sometimes grow faster than their feathers can keep up with) so patchiness in feathering or bald spots can often be attributed to that.

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