Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

Black Australorps: Shetan & Zorro {both roos} and Mrs Beasley

Silver Laced Wyandottes: Laverne & Shirley

Leghorns: Mrs Howell & MaryAnn

Red Stars: Ginger, Henny Penny, Foghorn, & Pinky Tuscadero
Kids named most of ours:
2 RIR: Peep Squeek and Francesca
10 of the Barred Rock cockerels: The Band of Brothers
the other two Barred Rock cockerels: Ray is the runt and Mr Truffles
2 Polish: Princess and Crowbar the Biker Chick (aka Fuzzy) - so my husband calls her Fuzzy Crowbar
4 Ameracauna pullets: Speedy, Chubby, Dash and Bob (kids...
6 banty BO: The Babies
mystery chick that came with our six new guineas: Ebgert (maybe Egberta...)
Rhode Island Reds: Sugar Plum and Ms. Beautiful Beautifuls...aka Swarty
Welsummer: Doris Flores Gorgeous
Cuckoo Mararans and Silkies: work in progress
My 12 week old girls (production red and BA) are Rosie and Alice.
I have 39 babies (28 are 11 days old and 11 are three days old). We have
Hershey Bar (ee)
Black Thunder (rir)
Alexandria the Great (buff orp?)
Chicken McFancypants (white rock?)
Hazel (dominiques)
Officer Friendly (buff orp?)
Chewi (ees)
Naobi (delaware?)
Boot (rir)
Scoot (red star)
Boogie (red star)

So i still have several to name.

We have lost
Yum Yum is an EE
Totoro is a splash cochin
Honey is a buff cochin (but she's mean, not sweet like her name! :))
Smoky is a blue cochin
Stitch is a golden campine
Skittle is a GLW
Buttso is a silver gray dorking
Chocobo is a fayoumi
Goose is a black langshan
Blackberry is a black cochin
Pai Mei is a white Polish
Donkey Kong and Punkycorn (aka Baby Corn) are white crested black polish
Mickey and Minnie Mouse are cuckoo marans
Ender is a who-knows-what... (I'll post pics of her in the other forum to figure it out when she's full grown...)
Flutterpony is a phoenix hen
The Dumplings are 2 indistinguishable phoenix hens
and finally...
Rooster Booster is a phoenix roo!

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