Chicken Names

Big Red--Red sex-link(I
Emma--Bl. Sex-link
Bug-Bl. Sex-link
Sweet Pea-Buff Orpington
Lady-Buff Orpington
Bashful--Ply. Rock
Old chooks:
Miss Purdy- beautiful EE
Maryanne- RIR
Roseeta- RIR

roo Momo- EE

Current 6
Millie Finch-BO
Francine, Frannie-EE
Hazel Dickens formerly Prudence, Phiny-GSL
My two new Ameraucana's are "Autumn" and "Blackbird"

Barred Rock is "Blue"

Rhode Island Red is "Red"

E.E. # 1 is "Yellow" (she is a beautiful golden color with some black markings on wings, tail and hackles

EE # 2 is "Peepers"
Kinq Louis- My Buff Orpington rooster. When he arrived as a chick I was reading a biography of Louis XIV and I thought The Sun King's name was perfect for a proud, golden boy. This way, I can keep track of his descendants..the first son of his I keep will be Louis II.

Lucy, Buttercup and Jilly Bean- BO hens

Esme & Hilda- Barred Rock hens named after Discworld characters.

Anne, Marie and Marguerite- Partridge Rock hens named after royal and noble ladies who lost their heads.

Daisy- White Cochin
lil'bit (she used to be)
breech (she was backwards in the egg)
rufous (cause he is)
dummy (because she is)
couragious (because she aint)
pearl (for the same reason everybody else names one that)
curious (?)
and osprey (she looked like one, bless her heart)
red jack
Well here it goes....

Sampson - my blue ameraucana rooster
Storm - " " hen
Oreo - my black ameraucana hen
Cheyanne - my blue ameraucana pullet
No Name - " "
Another No Name - " "
Splash - my splash ameraucana pullet
Bobsie Twin 1 - wheaten marans hen
Bobsie Twin 2 - " "
Poppy - wheaten pendesenca hen
Heloise - " "
Jersey Girl - Blk Jersey hen
Ruby Mae - Rosecomb RIR pullet
Ms. Grumps - Cochin/EE cross pullet
Barred Rock Hens

Red Cochin Bantam
Little Red/Red for short

Mille Fleurs
Hen - Faceballs
Roo's - Nugget and Little Roo
Last edited:
Pearl , Millie, Cloe, BB, Jill, Jerk, Maggie Mae, Star, Dorothy, Gerty, Harriet, Netty, Big Red, Mable, Nugget, Mr. Pip, Mr Wattles, Mr. Wind, Jareth, Sir Didimus,Cloudy, Sunny, Misty.

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