Chicken Nutrition- What Your Chicken Needs in Its Feed

What us the best thing to give them as far as "hard grit"? Also what veggieds and fruits are poisonous to them? Can I feed them brown rice as well as whole grain scratch?
I happen to live in a town with a small brewery and have been supplementing my feed with spent brewers grain. It's very nutritious and since they set it out twice a week and its free to whoever wants it, cuts down on the feed bill. Winter I don't have to collect all that often since I keep it in the garage and a lot of times it freezes so I bring it inside in batches to defrost. But summertime it goes bad really fast-3 days- since it is wet. The chickens love the stuff! If you have a brewery nerar you, I thinks its worth checking out.Here's a link I found on benefits of spent brewers grain: and Bala.pdf

In the summer my chickens get lots of excess from the vegetable garden)great way to get rid of excess zucchini).

I do have one question about winter storage of feed though. If my scratch and layer feed is kept in an area that consistently goes below freezing, am I losing nutrient content of the feed? What would anyone recommend for proper storage temperature?

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