Chicken out on Rain days


In the Brooder
May 29, 2020
So my chicken wanted to hang out in the rain most of the day by choice, the temp tonight will be 42degrees and I'm just a little worried about them they do have a shelf coop and run to hang out in they just love free roaming around ... Is there something I do for them?
So my chicken wanted to hang out in the rain most of the day by choice, the temp tonight will be 42degrees and I'm just a little worried about them they do have a shelf coop and run to hang out in they just love free roaming around ... Is there something I do for them?
I don't think so. Chickens are very smart and will go inside when ready. Where are you on the globe?
Northern idaho about 2 hours from Canada
YIKES! No wonder you are worried. I live in Florida therefore, when mine are out in the rain getting soaked, they are cooling off. My only other thought is to keep them in a covered run so you can better regulate them. My biggest fear is they get soaked and can't dry out before dark and get too cold. Is the coop heated? Hopefully, their roosting bar is a 2x4 to be able to sit on their feet and prevent frostbite. Hopefully, someone that lives in a cold environment will pipe in. My problem is the Heat and Humidity.
I'm in California but this could help potentially. I'd say if they are pretty wet an hour or two before sun set put them into the run so they can dry off. Although again I'm in California where it rarely gets below 30 degrees Fahrenheit at night
Well??? How else do I describe it?

I know it’s raining pretty good when the chickens are lined up single file along the house, standing on tip toes as flat against the wall as possible. My house has oversized eaves which give 10” or so of dry at the bottom of the wall.

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