Chicken Ownership is a Human Rights Issue!

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In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 24, 2011
Hello All...

Before I start I'm going to warn you that this is another one of my Rants. If you Don't wish to hear it, or don't care, please click back and go somewhere else...

I'm open to disagreement, debate or whatever, so please feel free to comment, all are welcome to join be it pro/con.

Please do not take Anything I say here as the Gospel. You must do your own “Due Diligence” to research the information I’m providing you. I take Absolutely No responsibility for the following information. It is of my opinion which may or may not be relevant to you.

Broken Food Chain

Our Food chain has been compromised and broken. Nearly Everything we put in our mouths has been tampered with, either chemically or genetically, right down to the grains most of which are now controlled and monopolized by “Big Corpa” such as Monsanto. Pretty much every grain or seed is or will be controlled by them.

In our food today we face an Onslaught of chemicals, hormones, toxins, antibiotics, animal pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, genetically altered, the list goes on and on. The human body was simply Not designed to handle the amount of toxins we are ingesting . The body eventually gives up and retaliates with disease and or abnormality.

From the moment we get up in the morning and brush our teeth with the Toxic and deadly Sodium Flouride we are bombarded with substances that are effecting us mentally and physically to the point of gene mutation.

We are in fact being experimented on, and the results of the experiments are in.

100 years ago, if chicken was for dinner, it was still pecking seeds in a field at high sun. The chicken was healthy. It was 100% organic, and wasn't loaded with growth hormones, antibiotics, steroids and the like. It was also a valued member of the family, treated humanely and respected. It was the provider of the family.

Back in those days there were fewer cases of cancer, mental illness, brain dysfunction and general mutations. Today brain dysfunction has Exploded and spider webbed into many different disorders and disease. Autism, ADD, Bi-polarism, Alzheimers , Parkinsons, Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity are rampant at Epidemic proportions. As is the number of people using Pharmaceuticals.

We are being "Pharmed" purposefully.

Because of the use of antibiotics and hormones we are now faced with antibiotic resistant bacterial strains, causing disability and death. Female children are starting their menstrual cycle in their preteens. Our immune systems cannot handle simple colds and are weakened through the use of heavy metal laden immunizations.

The immunities to many of these illnesses are not being handed down to our children as they use to be with breast milk, because no one has the time to breast feed a baby. “We owe so much money, I have to go back to work as soon as possible”. So the children are put on factory made baby food. The broken food chain starts here, at a very early age.

Once they get a little older, they are Bombarded with things like Pop Tarts, Toaster Strudel, Pizza Pop, Kool aid and, candy, candy, candy.

When you can by two cheeseburgers at Ronnies cheaper than you can a piece of fruit,, there is something very,, Very wrong with the system . When you buy two cheeseburgers instead of the piece of food, there is also something wrong with your mentality.

The vegetables that you buy in the store today, are not the same vegetables that your grandparents or even your parents ate. They are not as nutrient filled as they once were.. The molecular structure is also different. Compare a store bought tomato with a home grown tomato of the same variety.. Completely different in taste, structure and nutrient value.

Is anyone familiar with the term “Nutricide ?

How about “ Codex alimentaris” ?

Does anyone know what it means ? What it Means to You ?

What it means is Complete control of All herbs, vitamins and natural substances. It will effect what you grow in your gardens, and may even make it unlawful to even own a garden… Think I’m kidding ?

One of the most important herbs known to mankind , Tumeric , Ginger Chilli’s have already been banned in Thailand as well as Norway.

Take a Wild Guess who Obama appointed as Senior Advisor and Food Safety Czar of the FDA ? No other than Vice President of Monsanto’s Michael R. Taylor.

Anyone connecting the dots yet ?

All of these things are being done under the table, without our knowledge,, without our consent…

Anyone still doubting me that the chickens we raise in our backyards are our Absolute Right ?

Anyone doubting me that our gardens are our Absolute right ?

Where is your line in the sand that you will not let anyone cross ?

I highly suggest that if you care about the health of your family and your rights, that you start paying attention, wake up and stand up before more of our rights are legislated away by this Corrupt system we have.

Hey Diana


Now we all get on the same page, and Organize!

A great way to do this is either join or open a chapter of CLUCK or some other Chicken Liberation group , unite, share knowledge and figure out what angles are working and what are not.

I personally believe the proper angle to work on the Personal, Property, Constitutional and Human Rights.

Life Liberty and the Pursuit Happiness - It's in Your Declaration

Here is a good article on Contracting with the Government . Some of which will be applicable, some is just background information

More about laws ( Your Mileage may Vary)

Read them while you can.. Many of the links I have already have been censored and removed from the net.


I couldn't have said it better. I'm with you on that. I read every ingredient and I've done my research on GMO and refuse to buy any of it. I even make my own chicken food from scratch. I buy organic grains, kelp and other wheat grains to give my girls. Monsantos needs to be stopped. Hopefully we can make a difference.

Great to hear Cottage Chick

Sylvia - Sounds like your girls are getting only the Best!

Mothrhen - There's not 5 of us,, There's 5 Million of us..

Now what someone needs to do is start a committee, then a Facebook page, then start compiling links of chicken owner clubs Nation wide. A quick search turned up pretty good results.. Contact Everyone and explain your intentions that you wish to form a Coalition

United Chicken Owners Coalition (U.C.O.C) - Was the First thing to come to mind.

Get together, share ideas and find out what is working. Gather Support from other Poultry clubs, 4H Poultry Clubs, We're Essentially All in the same boat. Getting their support should be Extremely Easy.

Nothing will change unless we make it change. It will not coming Willingly,,but it Will Come, it Will Change.

It's the people who have gone before us, tested the waters, people like you, like me, like the Locks who blaze the trails for us, for our children, our future...

If you've always wanted to be a Pioneer, Here is your Axe!

Maybe we should start working on our manifesto. Each of us and write part of it and then edit it together. We can have everyone on BYC sign it and mail it to all of our local papers.
Hello CottageChick

That's a good idea..

Mission Statement
What/Who we are
What we are Not
Self Imposed Bylaws and Guidelines

This can also be done individually if no one is interested in going as far as starting a coalition. The important thing is the sharing of ideas

We also need to spread the word.. This can be done with public protests, public awareness etc etc. I know of several 9/11 Truthers who spend a Great deal of time standing on street corners handing out pamphlets, DVDs and simply making people aware of what is going on.

If you ar going to make people aware in mass in your area, you have to catch a wave and ride it.When owners are ticketed, or openly fighting this with their town councils, this is the time to mobilize and get as much attention through the media and in public as possible. Get on that wave and ride it for all it's worth..

When you hear of owners in the news fighting for their chickens and rights, contact them and offer support in any way you can.

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