Chicken Photos Thread

I use my free hand to snap my fingers in the direction I want them to look, I also take about a billion pictures so that I'm sure to get at least 1-3 decent ones. :)

You are serious? Do they really look when you snap? My dogs would, but my chickens ignore me! Maybe because they are babies and have short attention span!? LOL
Another broody hatch today.

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You are serious? Do they really look when you snap? My dogs would, but my chickens ignore me! Maybe because they are babies and have short attention span!? LOL

Try making loud silly noises with ur mouth. Or a dogs high pitch squeak toy. Thats what I do and everyone stops and listens
Well sad news! We went camping for the Fourth of July weekend and upon returning found out that our neighbor who was supposed to be taking care of our chickens didn't at all and something (raccoons, we think judging by the fur left on the gate) got in and got 5 of my 5 month olds and my duck Webby! Only one of our Roosters is left. Very sad weekend for us.
Luckily the babies, SFH's, Cream Legbars, and RIR's were in a separate pen and are fine. We set the live trap last night right outside the spot they got in and we had a skunk in it this morning, so now it's stinky too!
Looks like I will be ordering more chickens this year after all.
Well sad news!  We went camping for the Fourth of July weekend and upon returning found out that our neighbor who was supposed to be taking care of our chickens didn't at all and something (raccoons, we think judging by the fur left on the gate) got in and got 5 of my 5 month olds and my duck Webby! Only one of our Roosters is left.  Very sad weekend for us. :hit  Luckily the babies, SFH's, Cream Legbars, and RIR's were in a separate pen and are fine.  We set the live trap last night right outside the spot they got in and we had a skunk in it this morning, so now it's stinky too! :sick  Looks like I will be ordering more chickens this year after all. 
Awe I'm so sorry. We all know what it's like to lose a "family member"

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