Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*


Wow, just WOW!

What chicks did you order?

I want 45! At 1 time this summer I was up to 89, but that was including 49 chicks that I immediately started selling (I kept the cutest, quietest ones)!

I have 20 eggs on order, 30 eggs in the bator, 12 chicks on order (7 crested specials & 5 Spitzhauben pullets + males for warmth!), 10 chicks in the brooder and 14 chickens in the coop. You notice how I arranged them from least to most viable? I have learned not to count them before they hatch/ arrive! I hate that saying, btw!

I am more excited about the "males for warmth" than I am about the crested chicks and I have been REALLY wanting crested chicks since I started this madness!
Yeah! People with the same "problem" Started with 6, now over 25 with 18 eggs incubating! Beware fellow chickaholics - my husband and I (yes he is an enabler too) went to a local "small animal auction" and that was "all she wrote" We came home with a dozen eggs, 18 turkey eggs and 8 more chickens! guess if I have to be addicted this is a wonderful way to go.
I now have a special needs chick. It's one that was horribly shrink-wrapped, worse I have ever seen (yeah, I have seen 3 now, total). It is all fluffed up now and spent a day in a small cup to try to fix the one leg that doesn't work right. It kept hopping out. It snuggles with the other chicks, and this includes chicks over 3 weeks old, hatched 1/1/11. I worried about pecking, but they only pecked bits of stuck membrane off it! Then they all sleep in a group, touching or snuggled.

But this one really cannot control one leg. But it gets around fairly well.... Just cannot quite stand up - not steady enough but it IS only 3 days old today!
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I always root for the special needs chicks. I have one from the's feet are balled into she walks on her knuckles. I figure I didn't want her for breeding, so I will use her eggies for pickling and she can have a happy and full life here. Whenever I get around to pickling, I'm not sure. So many projects to do.

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