Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

I've been adding the newest chicks into the same brooder with the NY chicks. So there are two little bitty things in with larger chicks. It has gone very, very well. The only problem has been the larger chicks bowling over the babies when they get up and run, whilst the little babies are still napping or just in their way. But they pop right back up and are perfectly fine. No pecking, no harassing, no troubles.

I have a third little chick which was badly shrink-wrapped and it's now resting, still covered in some shell and membrane, but all moistened and in very high humidity in the 'bator. It can breathe and stretch and I want to see if it will break free now that the membrane is wet again and some of the most constricting parts have been removed.
I just spent the last 20 minutes trying to grate and then dice a mango! It was to have been my breakfast today, but it was tough, so the hens will be happy in the morning!
I have a technique to dice a mango....slice off both sides of the big seed. Score the halves in 1/2 to 1 inch to bottom, then left to right. Invert the skin and your mango will be diced and ready to eat...or you can scrape the dices into a bowl. I usually can't wait that long.
Thank you, I have 1 more mango to try! But first I gotta check the bator for pips!
I need to go back through my posts and find out when I got those White Leghorns. I could have sworn they are only 4 months. I have gotten 3 white eggs this week...and the WL girls are in with a bunch of CE's and OE's. Hmmm...can't believe they are laying ALREADY!!!
I found this when I searched "mice". It made me laugh!

The mice must live UNDER the concrete slab! I have been plugging holes, they start chewing the wood around the plug and get through that way!


I am so frustrated, it feels dirty to have mice. I don't want to risk poisoning the chickens. I am considering putting the garden hose down the holes and turning the water on high, but I have visions of soggy, smelly chicken bedding!
I bought four RatZappers and gave one to my land-lady. (She never had mice in her house until I got chickens.)

Set my 3 up the day before yesterday. THEY WORK! At first I was disposing of the little carcasses in the trash, then I had one of those light-bulbs go off over my head: no poison, so see if the chickens want to eat them.

Boy, howdy!

After the hysterical Keep Away games, mousie bodies are all gone. Good protein for the chickens, too.
*googles rat-zapper, thinks "hmm, I could make one of those".

*remembers "hmm, I made an incubator and it ended up costing 2x what a brinsea would have and all it did was cook eggs"!

*is still going to build a ratzapper.

*will probably take apart anything that might, possibly yield a needed part, then spend $80 at the hardware store on necessities to make something that will kill a mouse, burn the mouse and allow the flaming mouse carcass to set the henhouse on fire.

I should just buy a RatZapper.

oh, well.

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