Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Am I the only person on this planet that neglects to reference youtube? I just don't think of it. I'll look it up in case I need to do this on my own next time.
Y'all are as bad as google! I get ads for Chicken Incinerators on my sidebar on my Gmail from google! I think their bots read keywords in my emails and put ads up based on the most used words in my email! I think it is kinda tasteless to send a chicken lover ads for a chicken incinerator!

I guess it is good for me to keep an open mind and realize that I may have to cull sooner or later. I have had to cull chicks before, but that is just a head turn and they're gone. I have a hen that I know is a cull, she is a non-layer with beady eyes and a shriveled comb and a suspected egg-eater, but she is my sweet 'Lucky' girl so I keep her!

I cannot think why anyone would need a chicken incinerator!
Believe me, I never wanted to do it. Heck, I'm a vegetarian, I can't even kill them for food.. But my poor girl was suffering so..
And the broomstick method seemed the best after looking at the youtube but..
Believe me, I never wanted to do it. Heck, I'm a vegetarian, I can't even kill them for food.. But my poor girl was suffering so..
And the broomstick method seemed the best after looking at the youtube but..

I am sorry you had to go through that.

I am relapsed vegetarian who has returned to meat, because you couldn't see me when I turned sideways when I was a vegetarian! Additionally, my "meat and taters" family do not understand vegetarianism. My father is battling cancer and it was suggested that less meat might be healthier for his long-term survival and he said no way! *sigh...

I have never butchered a chicken, but I admire those who do. Perhaps someday in the interest of self-sufficiency I may try raising some broilers.

I remember a horrific experience trying to put a sick silkie out of its misery as a kid. Some mean lady sold me some REALLY sick chickens and they were slowly dying. It is all part of the life experience. Even as an "adult", it is really hard! I cried like a baby last week when I had to put a little misshapen chick down. It had hatched too early and really struggled, but it started to sound like it was in pain, so I had to do the right thing.
I wonder if I can get my family to approve a pair of White Chinese "weeder" geese? Hmm....

They could be added to my Feb 2nd order. A pair is ONLY $24.50. Hmm....
Well, my little one is 3 days old, so I needed to get it out of the incubator. I put it in an aquarium in the brooder.

The older chicks seem to spend most of their time staring into the aquarium at their new pet!

This little chick is about 1/4 the size of the other chicks!


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