Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :


My chooks have been enjoying the leftover rinds! They eat everything but the outer skin!

~ Aspen

Same here. I bring home the rinds from every gathering I go to. They LOVE them....and I have a whole watermelon too. I cut off a slice a day and make it into small pieces. That way They get both the fruit and the rind and don't have to share....they each run off with their own piece. AND there is some in the house for people.​

My chooks have been enjoying the leftover rinds! They eat everything but the outer skin!

~ Aspen

Same here. I bring home the rinds from every gathering I go to. They LOVE them....and I have a whole watermelon too. I cut off a slice a day and make it into small pieces. That way They get both the fruit and the rind and don't have to share....they each run off with their own piece. AND there is some in the house for people.

You are so good. I just bring out the whole melon and smash it on the ground and parcel out a chunk to everyone. I don't much care for it myself.. I try to remember to save some for DH when he's home tho.
I rescued four battery hens in May and I do not overexaggerate when I say I adore them. I rush back from work and before I even go into my house to see family I go straight down the garden to see my girls before they go to bed :) before I got them I just thought birds were birds but I'm now in love with their unique personalities. It is my goal in my lifetime to rescue 1000 battery hens (approximate how many I must have eaten as a meat eater as I'm now vegan). I am looking for a farm to move to in the near future!
Ok, I'm guessing Battery chickens are possibly factory raised. I've never heard that term for them though. I eat mainly farm fresh now
Okay, top six
1) cinnamon queen (red/gold sex link)
2) buff orpingtons
3)bantam Cochins
4) rhode island reds
5) Japanese bantams
6) Cochin x

Sad, but I just took the six I currently have and ranked them. It's possible that I am a bit bias since the top 2 are based on birds I raised as chicks and they are more friendly than some cats I've had. ( I used to be a cat person, until the birds took over and claimed me as theirs. Now I bribe the cats with the occasional scrambled eggs for forgiveness.)
Finally, got some pictures of the new chickens I bought on Friday! I bought 5 Buff Orpingtons, 13 Black Orpingtons, and 6 more Coronation Sussex.






The Orps are all from Jody Hinkle lines, and the of course the Sussex are from Greenfire Farms.

Egg-Citing News!!
While filling up waters this evening I spyed a small brown egg behind the water bowl in their pen!
No, pictures of the I stuck it in the incubator.

Good Night All!

~ Aspen

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