Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

I planned on 5 - 6 and when I went to order found the minimum order to be 25........... so there it starts. I have had a few killed,,,, hawk, crossbeak, and feral dogs, and so have stayed pretty steady with new eggs hatching. Have always wanted them but never expected them to be so much fun. They drive you nuts with the broodiness and occasional mean rooster but then the ones that literally run up to greet you when you come home make up for it. ( I know she just wants her Kale fix but still....... ) They are totally awesome creatures.
I just built another barn for more, and have ordered another 15 to arrive in a month raise from day old chicks ...... although they are procreating just fine on their own with one super brave leghorn rooster . Go chickens !!!

Love this website - it has been so helpful.
How many are down sizing for this winter?
I think I going to get down to 15 hens with 3 roosters ( diversity) along with the growers for the winter. I have about 80-90 growers right now, trying to get tsome sold. Have about 25 or so banded to watch for keepers/layers for this next spring.
I came home this spring to see 2 hens and 2 Roos walking through our orchard. I was down right mad. I recognized them from the barn where we board our horses. They thought it would be funny I guess... I spent the next wk trying to teach them their perimeter. We have no fence and had no hen house. They slept in the trees. I started to really like of the hens went broody and got eaten at night. My husband brought more home since we had 2 Roos and 1 hen. Didn't go well.. Put them in the dog least the new ones had shelter. Started construction on a hen house but not soon enough. Coyotes tore through a galvanized chain link fence and killed everyone. So I had 3 left... Finished the coop and tried to catch them to put them in. Hen was screaming... Suddenly giant fox and I mean huge ran after her. I ran at him. He froze and looked me in the eye before retreating. My hen ran away and hid. Thought she was gone for good but she returned the next morning. Did I forget to mention I made it my life's work to protect these chickens from coyotes and foxes . Walking the property all night till daylight. The ******** figured I went it daybreak so that's when they killed my head roo! Down to 2...hen house finished w 2 birds. So I bought them some friends. 17 of wasn't easy to catch them. These were wild *** barn chickens ( game mix)but I outsmarted them finally. Anyhow I could go on forever... I love all 50 something of my chickens!
My name is Kimberly, and I'm addicted to chickens! And my husband is an enabler! I came home from work last night, and six more chicks were sitting under the light! I just had moved 7 out to the big girl coop! Plus I have three ducks. And 2 black stars, 5 red stars, 2 silkies, 6 RIR, 2EEs, and 4 roosters! :hmm
Hi, my name is Crazy For Chickens and I'm a chicken addict. My grandma had chickens when I was young and I loved helping her gather eggs. Then I decided to get an incubater to use in the classroom. Next thing you know I was looking at coops in the classifieds, just for fun of course. It wasn't long before I decided I only wanted 3 or 4 hens. My husband told me NO. Well that was almost 3 months ago.I now have 25 chickens and am getting 4 more so far. My second coop is in the process of being built and I have a 12 by 24 foot run with a fallen tree, wading pool, swing, stairs and sand box in it. My husband the chicken hater built it for me, ha ha. He says he still hates chickens but he sure watches them with a smile on his face.

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