
6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
Are there any photos that SHOW when a chick is "feathered" and ready to be moved outside? My six chicks are starting to outgrow their indoor brooder (<-- is that the right word?) and I want to move them outside. It's April in Ohio, and the days are warm, but the nights are still "frosty". I don't want them to freeze, or put them out too soon. HELP! Thanks
Hello from Oregon & welcome to BYC. There is great info in the learning tabs above. Some people wait till the chicks are around 6 weeks old & others place them outside with heat lamps & protected from the elements. Good luck with your little ones
Are there any photos that SHOW when a chick is "feathered" and ready to be moved outside? My six chicks are starting to outgrow their indoor brooder (<-- is that the right word?) and I want to move them outside. It's April in Ohio, and the days are warm, but the nights are still "frosty". I don't want them to freeze, or put them out too soon. HELP! Thanks

haha I just posted the same question pretty much! I am in the same boat in Upstate NY. They are outside all day but I move them inside at night. But I think they'd rather be outside full time. Their brooder (yup right word!) is getting small for them.

How old are your chicks?

This is what mine looked like last week. The barred rocks and rhode island reds (the 4 to the right) just have a few more feathers on their heads this week, and the wyandottes (the littler ones to the left) have grown a ton this past week and have gotten lots more feathers. Last week the 4 bigger ones were 5 weeks and the littler ones were 4 weeks.
Again, if you can provide a heat lamp they're ready.
I had 2 and 3 week olds escape into the woods before when it was in the 40s at night. I thought they were goners only to return in the morning none the worse for wear.
Healthy chicks are tough as nails.
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Well, my coop is too far away from the house to run electricity to. They have the heat lamp inside. That's why I'm asking when I can put them outside. I never even thought of putting them out during the day and bringing them in at night, DUH! That's an excellent idea! Thanks!!!

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