chicken saddle


Still chillin' with my peeps
Mar 13, 2008
East South Central (West KY)
I got my chicken saddles a few days ago from MBL Designs (I think that's right), and they were ADORABLE! My SLW hen was naked from shoulders to tail from too much attention, and although she wasn't too sure about it at first, after just a little while it was almost like she was relieved to finally have some covering back there! I even ordered 2 with the rings for leash-walking some of my tamer ones later on. For those of you who (or us!) who don't sew or don't have the time, have Ms. Marion make your ladies some fashionable new outerwear with cute little appliques!
Oh, I've got them, too - they work great. I did end up ordering the ones with the extra shoulder protection, because the "shoulders" of my hens were bare as well as their backs. I got the Iowa Hawkeye emblem put on mine, since we're from Iowa originally. I'd love to see your girl in her saddle!

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