Chicken shaking and her balance is off....

Gatoraid is just convenient. You can make your own electrolyte mix with the sugar water and a pinch of baking soda and salt. Chickens sometimes can't deal with wide temperature swings. It pays to be on the alert when we get weather like that.
I suspected as such. My hen was also a B/W Wyandotte like yours. She couldn't grow normal feathers after molt, either. It was worst right before she died.
Poor girl. We had her out in the coop with her flock. A few days later back in the house. Then back out to the flock. Today she's back in the house. Every time we leave her in the coop for the night she's back in the house again. She gets better and worse. We're cycling with her health. Yesterday she was running around, being normal. This morning she was found in the coop hunched over and sickly all over again.

Symptoms: Lethargic, shaking as if she's really cold. Looks generally poor, hunched over.

Her comb and waddle look good and bright in color. She really seems to enjoy the Epsom salt baths. Crop feels fine.

We've changed food to Feather Fixer and gave her her own a flock block. She looked like her feathers were coming in better after these changes. We were hopeful we could fix things, but she keeps getting sickly.

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