Chicken stretching neck. Is this gapeworm (VIDEO INCLUDED)

Oct 2, 2020
Here is a video of my 25-week old chicken. She only does this “gaping” toward the end of the day for around 15-20 times while sitting but then goes back to actively pecking and scratching like normal (she does not make any noise while doing it though). It started out a few days ago as a once a day occurence but is becoming more prominent:

How should i begin treating my flock OR what newsymptoms should i look for to better diagnose the issue.
If you post your video to You Tube first, then copy the URL and paste it here, the video will embed and we can watch it here more easily.

Neck extending is more often from a crop issue than gape worm which is rare if you are in the US. check her crop now. See if it's hard and lumpy or soft and squishy. Check again in the morning. If it's full, she has a crop disorder. This will tell you how to diagnose and treat.
She definitely appears to have an obstruction issue. If its gapeworm, its a very dramatic response. I have not seen any cases so have not had to deal with it myself, but a friend of ours did have a short-term issue last year. He had 3 birds all with gape worms (he said). They spent most of the day with eyes closed, neck recoiled against their bodies with occasional slow stretching on the neck with open mouth.
He ended up euthanizing them and thoroughly cleaning his coop. I think he may have moved them temporarily to a different location on his property but im not sure if that was because of the gape worms or another reason.

Personally, I have had 2 chickens do a similar action to yours only not quite as dramatic. Both proved to be impacted crops. They scarf down the spring green up of grasses/etc in yard like there's no tomorrow. One bird recovered. The other had to be euthanized.
Other causes could be respiratory distress due to inflammation of the trachea. Just spit balling here.
This is normal and not a disease- she is simply doing crop adjustments. If it’s consistent for more than 3 minutes, she could be having a problem with her crop, such as sour crop. I think she’s fine :)

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