Chicken Struggling to Walk, Please Help!

Chichin Mama

Making lemonade 🍋🐣
Jun 13, 2022
Battle Creek, Mi
Hello. I am new to the chicken world as I just got my chicks in April from FFH. I have six chickens, five hens and one rooster. They are free-range and their sleeping arrangements currently are a large dog crate with wood chips as we are in the process of building them a spacious coop. They have all been very happy, healthy chickens until my Easter Egger has started walking funny. She is about the same weight as my other chickens, maybe a little overweight if anything. For a couple weeks now, I've noticed that she always seems to be the slow poke, but I didn't think much about it until recently, when I noticed that she doesn't walk on her feet, instead using her legs/haunches to get around. What really concerns me is that this morning when I went out to see the chickens, she was across the yard from the rest of the flock, laying on the ground and her little voice sounded hoarse from calling them. She seems to be a very happy little girl and only acted distressed when she got separated from the rest of the flock. Everyone else seems perfectly healthy. There seems to be no other signs of trauma and I have no idea what could have caused it. She seems to be eating and drinking fine and I haven't noticed abnormal poop. Currently, I have just been keeping an eye on her. I'm not sure if it's something I should be concerned about or if there is anything I can do for her. I would greatly appreciate any help or insight as I am very new to all of this!
She is still eating and drinking, but seems very weak and getting less mobile. I mixed up some sugar water with Vitamin B complex for her to drink, but mostly I've just been trying to keep her comfy and in reach of food and water. She's always been my sickly baby. When she was a chick, she had pasty butt.
Also, not sure if it's totally unrelated or not, but I noticed another of my chickens had abnormal poop. (pic below)


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I have a problem like this with my Maran rooster and my dominant Maran barred mix. This is a type of staphylococcus. This particular form if it is the same thing is likely from drinking stagnant water. There is no way to fully cure it but you can help them recover somewhat. It takes months before they are able to sort of walk again. Give her apple cider vinegar with some garlic cloves in it. What we did was kept an old gallon jug and filled it 3/4 of the way with water, the rest of the way with apple cider vinegar, 2 sliced garlic cloves, and let it sit overnight. The faster you act, the more that your bird will recover, but she will never be able to walk the same again. Some owners suggest culling, but I personally find this hard and my chickens mean a lot to me. Make sure that you feed her separately as the other chickens will start picking on her more the longer this goes on. Refresh any of their water and make sure you change it regularly and add the vinegar mix often. She may need some personal assistance getting to and from places around the yard, and since she is sitting on her elbows, make sure she doesn't sit in gravel or on stone because it will tear up the scales on her legs.
I have a problem like this with my Maran rooster and my dominant Maran barred mix. This is a type of staphylococcus. This particular form if it is the same thing is likely from drinking stagnant water. There is no way to fully cure it but you can help them recover somewhat. It takes months before they are able to sort of walk again. Give her apple cider vinegar with some garlic cloves in it. What we did was kept an old gallon jug and filled it 3/4 of the way with water, the rest of the way with apple cider vinegar, 2 sliced garlic cloves, and let it sit overnight. The faster you act, the more that your bird will recover, but she will never be able to walk the same again. Some owners suggest culling, but I personally find this hard and my chickens mean a lot to me. Make sure that you feed her separately as the other chickens will start picking on her more the longer this goes on. Refresh any of their water and make sure you change it regularly and add the vinegar mix often. She may need some personal assistance getting to and from places around the yard, and since she is sitting on her elbows, make sure she doesn't sit in gravel or on stone because it will tear up the scales on her legs.
Thank you very much! That is very helpful. Is it a problem if my other chickens drink the vinegar mixture or do I need to make sure they can't get to it?
Thank you very much! That is very helpful. Is it a problem if my other chickens drink the vinegar mixture or do I need to make sure they can't get to it?
The ACV will boost their immune systems too and If any of them have problems that you are unaware of, it will help beat them. I put ACV in all my chicken's water to help keep them from getting sick or parasites. Bottom line--it is perfectly fine, if not, good for them to drink it
The ACV will boost their immune systems too and If any of them have problems that you are unaware of, it will help beat them. I put ACV in all my chicken's water to help keep them from getting sick or parasites. Bottom line--it is perfectly fine, if not, good for them to drink it

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