Ok guys and gals its official I am changing my name to either Claudia, Claudette, Graceless,Claudine, or something very similar.
While going out the back door with baby jersy giants, I managed to fall off the step, crash into a rabbit cage cutting up my leg and arm < sigh> but oh wait it gets better, so not only the cuts and scrapes, I am in an air cast till they decide if I tore ligaments and muscles from the leg to the foot.( my toes look like little breakfast sausages.) Or I broke the foot bones.
Perk : to the whole falling out the door and damaging my fat self, I managed to hang onto the chick and not lose her to the wilds of the rabbit barn.( wendy don't you go there).
soooo with geese and duck hatching, one bator full of bantam eggs, another filled with duck, turkey and pheasant eggs, I am screwed lol. all bators have to be hand turned ( I hate the turners).
Cassi is a clumsy finger and hubby is about as gentle as a bull in a china shop.
AND! the ER decided just because it "might be tore up" or "Might be broke" they decided crutches were not the way to go ! go figure.
Now if you have ever had the mispleasure to see a fat person trying to hop opn one foot to get where needs to go , you know this isnt a very pretty or exciting sight to see.
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what in the world are you trying to do, kill yourself , slowly and painfully i think. either that or someone is setting traps. your a walking mess.
but on the bright side, ah

i vote graceless
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That's awesome.

I have a question, I am looking at incubators.... I know, I know, I'm addicted
. What does everyone use? I would ask over in the incubating eggs section, but I know you guys and thought I would get opinions from friends first.

Thanks, and see y'all in Merrimack.

BTW Gypsy - I emailed Jen your PM, she is the green thumb, I just dig where she tells me too

your going to hatch!! lol awesome. well my best small one is a hovabator maybe, my point is get the one that does the temp on its own, turns on its own, with a fan.
stay away from that stupid wafer if you can. of course this is my opinion. but that is my best incubator, then i have 2 styro with no fan but turners, my worst incubator to date .

I run 3 hova bators. all different. 1 self regulating,1 with fan, 1 still air. 2 with turners. self regulating is the best

Im tellin ya. I have never been the most gracefull person in the world but that was so unexpected.

omg. we are going to have to put padded walls around you at the swaps! hope you feel better soon and that you got good meds.
I should have a good selection of chicks for this weekend. I have 2 hatchery orders plus have hatched 18 chicks this weekend. combined total is 78 chicks. that is not counting what I already have on hand. the hard part is trying to convince myself that I really do not need them all. I have that aholic personality. you know 1 is good more is better. well I have a few days to have a good long talk with myself. there are many sexed pullets of the rare and exotic variety. and just for wendy, I bought some standard turken pullets. there ya go. park next to me now. I am going to make you hold them! ha ha.
Gypsy, you know you were just jealous of my totally stylish air cast boot so you just had to go and get you one!
It always happens at the worst time! Just don't go killing yourself hopping around the house either! Last thing you need is to land wrong on the good foot!
ah gross

but i must have lost my mind when i picked up my babies from you, what else did ya get>??? sheesh, what is wrong with me. came home got a call someone came and took one of my partridge rocks and 1 of the golden comets. so now i keep saying, i am keepng the 2 rocks they are mine, but yes, i will sit next to you, anytime
Val, that was you in the cast. i knew i was forgetting how to recognise people! We had the beagle dog and chatted with you a few minutes at the milford swap. <waves>

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