Chicken swing

Sounds like fun.

My chickens like playing on hay bales, natural stumps and branches, and they certainly love playing escape from their fence and get to the porch! My chicks also like exploring things that look like bugs and pecking at it, even if it is just a cereal box. They are so curious!

Best of luck with your flock!

I had to make adjustments to it... lowered it and evened it out. I think the perch is to small. I'll leave it in there for a week or so and see if they can get the hang of it.
Mine love it. It's similar to the regular roosts in your picture - a very thick limb which swings slightly, rather than an actual swing.

The girls (and Charlie) on the swing. I have two roost branches in there - they prefer the one that swings. It's a gentle swing - it doesn't swing wildly when they get up or down.

When we expanded the run we switched the positions of the swinging roost and the stationary one. They didn't hesitate to head for the swinging one again. You can see it there in the background on the right.
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When I started building the coop and run for my chickens, I was most excited about making a swing for them. I thought they'd love it! I was about ready to take it out after almost 2 months and no use, but then I came out one day and saw my little EE fly up. None of my other birds will use it, so little Magdalena goes up there when she needs her alone time.


She is a bit of an odd one though, here's a picture of her taking a nap on the lettuce instead of eating it!

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