Chicken toy question


Jun 7, 2022
My chickens love pecking at my zippers, buttons, loose threads, clothes in general, etc. Makes me think they’d love a hanging piece of fabric embedded with little objects for them to peck apart. Anyone seen anything like that? Or know what types of materials would be safe to use? Would it need to be entirely edible?
I wouldn’t put a piece of fabric in their coop since if they eat it it can make them very sick. You can hang pieces of lettuce in their coop, or fill a toilet roll with snacks for them to eat. Those are some free options.

If you are looking for something to purchase there are lots of different pecking toys, or cages that hang that you can put snacks in, or rolling snack devices.

Chickens like to peck at things since they think it’s food, which is why most chicken toys are food related.
Welcome to BYC. Where, in general, are you? If you put your location into your profile people can give better-targeted advice.

The best chicken toys are things that help them engage in natural chicken behaviors -- perching, dust bathing, scratching, foraging, etc.

Look at this thread for ideas:

My chickens love nothing more than a pile of garden weeds or a fresh load of pine straw and dry leaves raked out of the yard depending on the season.

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