chicken tumor or abscess?


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2016
Hey guys, i recently posted about my baby Poppy because i thought her sister attached her head.. Turns out, its not looking like that anymore. I shouldve known, peaches is too in love and obsessed with poppy to ever do such a thing! Popoy is eating, drinking and behaving totally fine. But her "wound" is getting larger and larger. Does this look like a tumor guys? It looks bloody because she cant keep those darn claws off of it. And if so how long does she have and what can i do to make her last days as comfortable as possible? Thank you guys..


Sorry for the pictures, shes camera shy. Also one more question...i have had an abscess before and had to get it lanced..will she need that?
Since she is so young, I would think that it could be from pecking, and they have continued to peck at it. I would clean it off with betadine or Vetericyn, and then put some Blukote on it to hide it. The first picture isn't so bad, but the second one looks serious. Are these the only 2 chicks that you have? If there are more chicks, I might separate this one for a day or two in a little cage close to the others.
Since she is so young, I would think that it could be from pecking, and they have continued to peck at it. I would clean it off with betadine or Vetericyn, and then put some Blukote on it to hide it. The first picture isn't so bad, but the second one looks serious. Are these the only 2 chicks that you have? If there are more chicks, I might separate this one for a day or two in a little cage close to the others.

Thats what i thought also, but i put a camera on them to make sure her sister wasnt picking on her, and she really isnt. They are the only two chicks. I tried to separate thembbut they really wetent having it, and i clean it 4 times a day but it keeps getting larger and larger dude.. :(
Do you have any flies out right now, where they could be laying maggot larvae in the wound? Fly strike can kill a chick very quickly. If it still cold where you live, this may not be a problem.
Do you have any flies out right now, where they could be laying maggot larvae in the wound? Fly strike can kill a chick very quickly. If it still cold where you live, this may not be a problem.

I live in texas its hot 24/7 and we actually do have a fly problem but only in the kitchen and we keep and wellies in our room. Is there any way to tell if maggots are getting at her? I dont see any..
Usually if you soak the wound in warm water with betadine or epsom salts, if there are maggots, they will come out. Since she is so small, you could probably manage a "shampoo" on ere little head. They can burrow down deep so this may need repeating. Permethrin products like Screw worm spray or SWAT can be used also. The bacitracin ointment can also help smother them. FlyStike or maggot infestation can make a slight wound deadly, so good to check.

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