Chicken with swollen eye

That sounds neurological - like Wry Neck. This can be from injury/head trauma, vitamin deficiency or disease like Marek's, Newcastle or other's.
Check the ears to make sure they are clear. It's possible it could be due to vitamin deficiency - provide her with Vitamin E and B vitamins - the eggs will take care of the selenium.
Look at Rooster Booster Poultry Cell or Poultry Nutri-Drench - you want the E and B vitamin as well. Selenium which is found in egg, tuna or nuts helps with the uptake of Vitamin E.
I put 1.25 ml of poly vi sol in a gallon of water for her. I couldn't find anywhere that gave me dosages except for 1/4 of a tsp which is around 1.23 ml.

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