Chicken with swollen eyes and nasal discharge


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 1, 2011
i have a chicken with swollen shut eyes and a clear to slightly cloudy discharge. One eye is shut and the other is oozing a thick liquid. Does not seem to have any injuries outside of this. i can't post pictures yet but i do have pictures.

had to put down a different breed chicken that had one side of the face swollen like this and had stopped eating and drinking. she was declining rapidly.

any suggestions? is it too late to help?



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I would take her to a Vet. I take my chickens and antibiotics do wonders for them. took one last night / She had trouble breathing I thought she was a gonner but she bounced back breathing better today. My cost was $40 after hours .
@popoton - just curious - what was the name of the antibiotic, please?
I'm not needing this for any self-home-help - I've been interested in the
relationship of medicines between animals and people. Thanks.
i now have five of them with slightly swollen eyes that have a thick but clear discharge and nothing nasal as of yet.

the worst one is taking fluids by syringe (no needle just the open end). been giving durvet duramycin for two treatments so far.
using terramycin in/on his eyes too. won't eat tho. going to try a mash in the morning if he makes it that far.

appreciate any and all suggestions. this is new to me and now i have a full flock that i have to treat. this really sucks. and to top it all off,
i am fighting the fowl pox too. yay. not.
I'm not sure, but look up infectious corzya - the swelling and discharge are common. Does she have a really nasty yeasty odor around her face?

You can treat with Sulmet but it's my understanding they will be carriers. I hope someone who knows more than me will chime in.
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I feel really bad for you, and just went through the same thing this week. Lost 4 layers in 3 days and 1 turkey poult. (have a total of about 80 chickens and 15 turkeys). Isolated possible sickies from the main flock, fed them scrambled eggs. Put everyone on fertrell feed and the dry fertrell supplement and prayed and thank God they seemed to turn for the better. Put cayenne in the feed today and tomorrow too. Have one more EE who fell ill yesterday, she's not looking good but is still hanging in there and not distressed enough to cull. Is this something that could be spread by wild birds? Hoping for the best for you and your flock.
the smell is there. i thought the smell might be from having been wet, it had been drizzling for days. i have noticed many more are infected this morning. trying to figure out where it may have come from. all newbies had been quarantined for 30 days to see what they might have and treated regardless. all this after finally saving the flock from a horrible mite problem. took me weeks to finally get it under control. the fowl pox (iodine rinses and vit/min water was all i did to help them through that. its viral so i knew antibiotics wouldnt help out) is still working its way through the flock also. maybe the weakened immune systems of the chickens just gave out. i understand from all the reading i have been doing that they will be carriers. i know that i won't be able to sell any of them and won't be able to introduce new stock.

the hubby, who has been very understanding because of all the crying i have been doing, is helping me prepare for the culling we will have to do. i have around 200 chickens, adults and babies. the babies, i hatch myself, are kept separate until ready for outdoors life, although i fear they have been infected also due to carrying it on the shoes and clothes and on the skin. a few babies have been dying randomly but i figured due to liking to bunch up at night. (usually find them flat and spread out) two died last night, nothing to note from the deaths. they appeared to be fine, just squashed.

worried about the ducks, but from what i have gathered they shouldn't get infected but i am keeping a close watch on them. the turkies, i have two-a pair of bronze, i am just waiting for them to show symptoms too. hopefully the quail won't get it. the quail are in a pen raised above ground but close to the coops.

this is absolutely devastating. i have spent countless dollars and hours on my flock to have this happen. i haven't gotten an egg in months but i didn't give up on them. don't plan on it now. will take it to the bitter end.

will keep everyone posted on what happens.

btw: the one chicken is still hanging in there. seems a bit more alert this morning but still runny nose and gummed up eyes. treated her again and can only hope for best.
I'm sorry to hear of your sadness. If I'd've lived near you, I would help with the culling, sanitising
and you could've had half my flock - all gratis. It's a tough break and I'm sure there's 100s, if not
1000s of us here in this forum, that are wishing the very best for you. All I can offer you is the
promise of better times around the corner, when todays tears have dried. Hang in there - your
patience will be well-rewarded. Good luck and we all wish you well.
I have a pullet that just started getting symptoms like this in one eye, two days ago. I hope that all goes well, and I am rinsing the eye twice a day with Saline until my vet can see her. Please let me know what you do, if it works, and if you find out what it is!!

Good luck.


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