chickens and incubation


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 13, 2008
So if the eggs that I have in my incubator hatch and they grow into full size birds will they lay in the spring time themselves? I am not too sure about this, will they go right into molt in the spring? or lay when they reach 5-6 months? They are due in another week. I don't see any aircells except one, they all look very dark when I look at them, I am on day 11. They are glw and rir eggs,yes there is a rooster;)
I was wondeering how you knew you had a rooster in your eggs, da.

I need a nap. LOL

I have RIR's and they started laying around 21 weeks. Sorry I don't know about the molting.

I guess we will both find out. Good luck with the hatch.
funny ginbart
I wa implying that I do have a rooster to have fertile eggs. So know I know the answer to tha question. They have about another 11 days to go before hatching. I just put in duck eggs yesterday so I should get them around halloween. Those are Khaki Campbell/ Golden Cross. Should be nice birds
. I also have about 30 baby mallards that I am looking at making some Mallard/ Khaki Cross in the spring
I just wanted you do know, I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at myself for not understanding what you said. After I read it again I understood about having the rooster to fertile the eggs. I'm just dummm today.
don't worry, I shoulda said it better myself, right now I am not right, I am taking oxycontin for a kidney stone that I passed, it hurt so bad, I thought I got shot! dang,:thun holy cow it hurts, my kid came up to help yesterday, TG for that.

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