Chickens appear afraid of new bedding

I just went to check that they all went inside for the night and eight of them (including my rooster) were outside. The other chicks were inside but up on a ledge. None were on the bedding.

Does your coop have a roost and do the chickens normally use it?

Once they're beyond the little chick stage they aren't really supposed to be sleeping down in the bedding. You want them to be up on the roost so that they aren't laying in their poop all night.
You could try cleaning and putting new bedding into the coop in the mornings. That way they have all day to get use to it.
Not sure if this would help, I just put the bedding in a pile and let them scratch it around for me. This way I'm not throwing and moving the bedding.

Thank you. Will definitely do that next time.

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