...At least that's the age old myth right?
Every old time farmer who I have met has always said the same things:
"Chickens are meant to be filthy"
"There butts are supposed to look like that"
"There's supposed to be maggots, how else does the poop leave?"
Now obviously not everyone thinks like this, and the ones I am talking about were VERY old time.
But, I happily was able to prove that wrong today.
I have two sick pullets in quarantine right now due to a horrible case of Cocci...
So, they get there cage dirty very quickly. Today I cleaned there little cage and put some fresh sawdust in it.
Well, what was the first thing they did?
They kicked it everywhere, fluffed themselves in it, and then made themselves a little nest.
There currently sleeping and enjoying the nice clean feeling
See, they don't enjoy being dirty! They like to be clean.
*Like I have to tell all of you Lol*
I just thought that the little picture was to cute not to share, that's OMG and a girl with no name *Any suggestions? She is a Buff/EE cross*
OMG is in the front, and my other little one is in the back
Every old time farmer who I have met has always said the same things:
"Chickens are meant to be filthy"
"There butts are supposed to look like that"
"There's supposed to be maggots, how else does the poop leave?"
Now obviously not everyone thinks like this, and the ones I am talking about were VERY old time.
But, I happily was able to prove that wrong today.
I have two sick pullets in quarantine right now due to a horrible case of Cocci...
So, they get there cage dirty very quickly. Today I cleaned there little cage and put some fresh sawdust in it.
Well, what was the first thing they did?
They kicked it everywhere, fluffed themselves in it, and then made themselves a little nest.
There currently sleeping and enjoying the nice clean feeling
See, they don't enjoy being dirty! They like to be clean.
*Like I have to tell all of you Lol*
I just thought that the little picture was to cute not to share, that's OMG and a girl with no name *Any suggestions? She is a Buff/EE cross*
OMG is in the front, and my other little one is in the back