Chickens are gone!

If it shws mass migration,throutg brte force then ou are dealing with dregs of societyll;
People can cme and just snag big birds, few qustons askee..

The wat tus jubd if gies when not too drugged out or stupid... head up o the critters, not too stoned or otherly trdeed.... meet uk grb the animaos yu neee.d ke he quiet, ke thej falm, prop0 hem up fpr hih level storage and sellijng./ Zggd

]at the end of the daykyyu are probebly getting drugged critters here, drued for the sake of geting the m heel. as son asyou see how conscice they re hen move 'hj=uman ntervention on then to ge them sae, sefured, and a food st for theml they go int tm storage until we figure out where they end up long term once you get to the end farcs, ou start negotiating 'events' and critters in therr varyiug states of spazzoid get the dalmed dow ready to move in the direftio of the new 'herd' is moviungl grb an overseer thta wants bto by or harness o move on and ass it forwared
Are you ok??
.22, .410, or 20 gauge will do the trick as long as you’re not breaking any laws.

are you 100% sure it was a fox? I don’t think they take the carcasses. It seems like someone stole your chickens and killed the rooster. To find no trace of the bodies is very odd. Do you have a security or game camera on your property? I would prioritize that if you get new chickens.
that's what i was thinking. maybe some crazy person broke in lol

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