Chickens are suddenly very very calm


In the Brooder
Jun 11, 2017
This is our first time with chickens. They are about 3.5 months old and have been rambunctious for the most part. When someone walks by, the make all kinds of noise, the presence of food has them raising a ruckus from hell, etc... Since yesterday, they seem to have been sedated. They walk about very calmly. The gold laced wyandotte is even mellow now. There has been no change in food or any other kind of surroundings. The only difference is our temperature went from mid 80s to low 70s every day and into the 50s at night.

Fresh food and water, they are paying almost no attention to the food and drank some water. For the most part they are all sitting close together although, that is normal for them. We have 9 in total. Not one is acting differently than any of the others. There has been no sign of aggression from any of them. This came up very suddenly and we have zero ideas as to what is happening or if it is even typical behavior with the fall season starting. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I'll throw out a guess based on my own experience. I've never noticed that quick and drastic of a change, but my chicks tend to go through an "insane" stage starting around 3-4 weeks. At some point they start acting like normal chickens - well, except maybe the Leghorns. ;)

Your chickens may just be settling down as they get closer to maturity. Keep an eye on them and watch for any signs in droppings or behavior that might indicate illness, though.
Their droppings seem to be white and runny I just noticed. They have barely eaten today, too. They seem to be drinking water with no problem.
very rainy, thunderstorms for much of the last 5 or 6 days. They usually freak out when food is being given to them, the last two days, they barely moved. Outside today, they didn't really eat at all. Threw a bunch of pickings from the garden in there and most of it is still on the ground. The two wyandottes usually freak out if we get near them. One is crouched down on the ground and I can hold its beak, rub its head, and doesn't move a lick. Concerned they got some virus suddenly.
I'll throw out a guess based on my own experience. I've never noticed that quick and drastic of a change, but my chicks tend to go through an "insane" stage starting around 3-4 weeks. At some point they start acting like normal chickens - well, except maybe the Leghorns. ;)

Your chickens may just be settling down as they get closer to maturity. Keep an eye on them and watch for any signs in droppings or behavior that might indicate illness, though.
We also have just gotten 2 ameraucana a black and we think either a blue or lavender. they are both 2.5 months old ..could you post a picture of your blue /lavender chicken so we can decide which we have. Thanks
very rainy, thunderstorms for much of the last 5 or 6 days. They usually freak out when food is being given to them, the last two days, they barely moved. Outside today, they didn't really eat at all. Threw a bunch of pickings from the garden in there and most of it is still on the ground. The two wyandottes usually freak out if we get near them. One is crouched down on the ground and I can hold its beak, rub its head, and doesn't move a lick. Concerned they got some virus suddenly.
i would start treating for cocci, amprolium/amprol/corid etc
its a good place to start
I am ordering Amprolium now, but it will not be here until Monday. How aggressive is cocci, if it is that?
I was just looking on one of the sites regarding the cocci and they don't seem to have many of the symptoms they say to look for, other than some whitish diarrhea. I am getting the Amprulium anyway, but is there anything else I should get as a preventative?

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