Chickens attacked, 2 dead, one injured. GRAPHIC PICS

This morning Peep was standing when I went out there. His eyes had gotten stuck shut again, so I wiped them off with a warm washcloth. I'm really happy that his other eye isn't gone. It opened a little bit this morning, and I could see the iris. It's still really swollen though, and he's missing a big chunk of skin under his eye. His comb is mostly red today, instead of purple. He starts chirping every time I pick him up. He also kicks a lot. He's pooped twice since yesterday. It was really runny and all white, but he didn't eat anything yesterday. He drank more water this morning. I made him a mash and he even took a few bites.
This morning Peep was standing when I went out there. His eyes had gotten stuck shut again, so I wiped them off with a warm washcloth. I'm really happy that his other eye isn't gone. It opened a little bit this morning, and I could see the iris. It's still really swollen though, and he's missing a big chunk of skin under his eye. His comb is mostly red today, instead of purple. He starts chirping every time I pick him up. He also kicks a lot. He's pooped twice since yesterday. It was really runny and all white, but he didn't eat anything yesterday. He drank more water this morning. I made him a mash and he even took a few bites.
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Can you give him raw yolk? Tuna? Anything to intice him. Keep offering sweetened water and regular water.
Can you give him raw yolk? Tuna? Anything to intice him. Keep offering sweetened water and regular water.
He drinks water really well, but he has a hard time finding the bowl. He usually misses the first few times. Yesterday I couldn't even get him to eat mealworms. I can try tuna later.
Can you give him raw yolk? Tuna? Anything to intice him. Keep offering sweetened water and regular water.
He drank more water, but he still won't eat. I gave him a baby aspirin because I was thinking that his beak might hurt. I force fed him a little bit of tuna, and it was like feeding a toddler broccoli. 🤦‍♀️It just made a mess. I also took Peep outside to see his sister's for a minute. They were really happy to see him, and Peep immediately started talking to them. He opened his eyes and walked a around a little too. I don't know what to do to make him eat.
You could mix up a small bowl with some wet feed, scrambled egg bits, a little ground meat or tuna, or canned cat food. Just hold it up to his beak, dip it, and let him know it is there. Water is very important, since the white urates poop was a sign of dehydration. Be sure to use some plain Neosporin triple antibiotic ointment in his eye twice a day to prevent infection. Vetericyn eye gel would also work. I would feed him first, then do treatments so he won’t be uncooperative.
Peep still won't eat. I force fed him a little more tuna. He drank a little more water. He pooped again. It was still white and runny. But there was some actual poop in in this time. It seems like the cut in the corner of his mouth is why he can't eat. He tries to slurp his food. He won't open his mouth very far. I gave him an aspirin earlier, but it didn't seem to help much. I put one of his sisters (Nugget) in with him. He perked up immediately. They started chirping to each other. He did seem a little more interested in the food after Nugget started eating it, but he still didn't eat any.
Is there a smoothie or something that I could make that would give him enough nutrients, but still be in liquid form?

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