Chickens Don't Like Their Coop?

I put a red light in my chicken tractor when I had trouble getting them in to roost when they were young. It was familiar from being in the brooder and gave them enough light to get up on the roost, but I weaned them off of it.

I expect if yours are USED to the light that might be part of your trouble.

They may just not see it as home, and locking them in there for a week might help.
Or like someone else said they may be getting bullied.
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It could be they are afraid. They are all the same age, but the Orp's were introduced about a month ago. The other chickens did bully them alot, but now they all get along during the day, and there are no more domination issues. The rest of the chickens go to bed long before dark, while the Orp's are still out doing their thing. I just hope they all figure it out soon, there is plenty of room in the coop (24 x24), with more than enough roosts for all to have their own space.
Yeah know my BO's do this too! About 11 or so do this everynight now, it started awhile back, they like to sleep on our rabbit hutch inside the chicken run... all the other ones go in and sleep in the coop, but not the weirdos! I use to pick each one up, shove it in the chickie door but after acouple of nights of doing this I said forget it and let them sleep there..... I dont understand it, we built them a nice big coop, nice roost areas, 2 windows, nice air flow...... trust me on that one, I got stuck in my coop for over an hour one day and there was a nice breeze coming in. Oh and I put 3 solar lights in the coop every night for them.
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