Chickens, ducks and turkeys - oh my!?!


Oct 9, 2016
Hello from Wyoming! My family is one of the few to have all of the above despite the weather. All do very well with a heated coop and lots of love from my kids. Do have a serious question however- we recently added 3 turkeys to our flock two are toms and the chickens pick off their tail feathers to the point that they bleed. We have tried everything from bag balm to various healing sprays with tea tree oil thinking the chickens wouldn't like it - but they keep picking at them. Any ideas?
Greeting from Kansas and :welcome! Great to have aboard. Well the ducks should enjoy the Wyoming winter! Yeah, once chickens see blood they keep going after it. You might look for a product called Blue Kote to apply where they've been picking. Should be available at a local farm and ranch. Best of luck to you! :)
Could you separate them from the chickens & ducks. Tom turkeys and drake ducks sometimes attempt to breed chicken hens and can kill or seriously injure in trying. So it's probably best to raise separately even from just that. But, it would prevent the chickens from pecking out their tail feathers.
- great that you have joined us.

Best wishes
Our turkeys are super mello but they are 6 months old, so not full grown - and they only pick on their tail feathers. I thought it was strange also - if they would just fight back a little it would be fine.
Hello, and welcome to Backyard chickens! You have gotten good advice, and I also recommend that Blu-Kote, it works well. Good luck with your flock, and I hope you enjoy BYC!

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