Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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At my school the teachers made you cry and if you didn't cry they would continue to beat on you until you did.


I once had a teacher that gave me a choice of taking a paddling or staying in for recess for two weeks. I chose the paddling. He made me stay in for recess for two weeks. In the Spring! With nice weather! That one hurt worse than any paddling I ever had at school or at home.

I only got one paddling in school that I did not deserve. That was in the second grade and it should have been the kid sitting behind me. I deserved the rest I got. I never did get sent to the principal for a paddling. My teachers could handle it themselves.

Dad had a nice thick wide black leather belt he favored. Mom would send me out to get a switch. If she didn't like the switch I chose, she'd wear it out and send me after another. Trust me, I soon learned exactly what she liked in a switch.
Yes, same here! Funny...most folks don't remember back in the day when teachers were allowed to paddle the kids right there in the classroom. I've had my share, though I was usually the teacher's pet.

Trust me, this teacher really needed to get his tail in a knot..... One of those people who would dress up a chicken and call the animal control on you if you left your dog outdoors to live.

Nowadays, though, teachers are a different breed of cat and so are the children and parents. When we got paddled at school, we got it way worse at home. Double whammy. Now the world has turned upside down and I wouldn't want to be a teacher nor to have kids still in school any longer.
Thanks for the story! My son was in the first grade when the school system decided to ban corporal punishment. That was the last year my son was in public school. I homeschooled both of my children.

I, too, was raised in that era where if you were paddled at school you were going to catch it at home. We had a double whammy--my Dad was gone for 2 weeks at a time. Mom would whip us and then Dad would come and reinforce it. I truly miss those days!! Children learned to respect their elders!

Lisa :)
I laughed, I cried, I am awed!!!! EXACTLY what I would have said!
I would have followed it with how much they love the chicken parts I give them during processing but I think he would have tuned me out by then....or ran away.
Does an OTs heart good to hear the wisdom rippling out in wider and wider circles in this ol' pond called chickens.

I have it too. I wonder if all true OTs have that look but I can make other people's dogs and children behave when they cannot and they always tell me their husbands are "intimidated" by me...and that's when I'm friendly to them. Can't imagine how much they would pee down their legs if I got testy. I could tell you stories....
Alpha bitches have the stare that will send husbands, children, and dogs to the ground. You're born with it, or you're not.
That's dad had a black belt too, called it The Black Persuader. Mom always preferred the switches...more pain for less power behind the swing.
I bet quite a few of us OTs have similar stories about childhood.
Yes...when the words, "Just wait until your father gets home!" were the most dire words one could hear. I agree, that jangle of the belt buckle was horrible...of course, that sound came to mean something much different in later years.
Then there was the father who would loosen the belt buckle and with one stroke pull that buckle and the belt from the loops and without ever stopping, reach the target. I was never the recipient of that belt, my parents had that scary look in their eye, but I married the father who could do that. I have the best sons now too.
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