Chickens In The White House! How can we make this happen!?!?!

Possibly we could get some of our D.C. area members to volunteer to help them get everything set up.
I just see it now. The early morning sun comes, the hustle and the bustle of the White House begins its flurry of events.

Suddenly a lone Leghorn rooster emerges from the "white house chicken coop" presented to the 44th president and his family by the famed chicken coop architect.

A crow is heard and then the regal leghorn hens come out and start to forage on the south lawn.

The men in their black suites with wrap around sun glasses check their weapons for Hawk deterrence.

The men and women in chefs hats come out and feed scratch blended from the finest ingredients and checked by the "chicken tasters" to make sure no harm will come.

The water containers are filled will the purest and freshest water, again checked by the tasters, just to make sure.

Then comes the "poop patrol", their job fully understood.

At the end of the day, all the flock is checked and accounted for, the "chicken veterinarian assigned" does the daily check up for lice, mites and general health.

They are whisked away into their bullet proof "white house coop" by the men in black suites and wrap around sun glasses.

Their pop door guarded for the duration of the night until the next time the sun comes up over the horizon and the events again start for the .....

I agree, we need to promote not only the utility and fun of keeping chickens, but also the educational value for the children.

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